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Does Blot handle [[wikilinks]]?

I plan on testing this myself later, but while I'm away from my desk... Can Blot handle wikilinks? It would make it a great companion for e.g. Obsidian.

Has the status page been decommissioned?

I went to check the status page because my site stopped refreshing content from Dropbox. It appears the page is no longer operational ("Last check: July 11, 2024") Is the status page no longer being updated? Are there other better channels for troubleshooting a site? (edit: Just wanted to add that Dropbox status page is reporting all systems up as of the time of this question.)

Images in Magazine template entry listings?

How does the magazine template determine when/which image to show in an entry's listing? Many of my posts have images, but only some appear to the right of the listing on the main page, and I can't figure out what factor determines when an image is pulled there.

Use multiple templates?

Can I create multiple pages, have a blog at parts and use other templates in other areas? thanks!

Default Blog Homepage Template Metadata failure?

Using the default blog template Metadata in my post works as expected eg. {{entry.metadata.title}} But when looking at the homepage, the title of the post is blank? Looks like it only fails with the blog template If I preview with all of the other templates it works

Is it possible to embed images via ![[wikilinks]]?

Hello, I couldn't find anything in my short trips through documentation and questions that mentioned embedding images with wikilinks. I've been experimenting a little in case it does exist, but I figure I should ask here: is this possible or at least a potential future feature? It would be a huge plus with the synergy between Blot and Obsidian.

Combining Blog & Album

Is there a way to combine two themes to have two types of posts? I’m running a blog (based on an older blog template) but I’d also like to show photos (or photo albums) akin to the Portfolio template. Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this?

How to insert an image using Markdown?

I'm learning Markdown and use Dillinger as my Markdown Editor. I've followed the instructions on how to embed an image but it's not displaying so I must be doing this wrong. Here's my process: -Images saved in folder in the 'Pages' folder, names start with an underscore so they don't appear as individual posts -Input the following text ! [brief description] (_name of file.jpeg) When I preview the blog, I see the Markdown text, no image. Any clue where I am going wrong? I wasn't sure whether to insert the whole path name in the brackets or just the file name. I have tried both, same result.

How to add an image caption?

How do you add a photo caption (the text just under the image)? Thanks.

Redirect not working

Trying to redirect from incoming pattern with a date to just the name of the post so that this: https://blog.jasonkratz.me/2023/11/08/my-default-apps-2023 should be this: https://blog.jasonkratz.me/my-default-apps-2023 Trying with: from: /\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}/(.*) to: /$1 Tried escape version of the above as well and its not working. The title definitely matches so not sure what is going on and we have no logging to see what might be going wrong.

Why is my background-color not being respected?

Can anyone tell me why the background-color value is being ignored on this page? (Please excuse the mess when viewing source.) It had been working fine many months (ie the background was blue; the text was white), and then — without me making any changes to the page — it started displaying as a white page. I've exhausted my own skills in trying to get the background set to #0165ff again, and I'm starting to wonder whether I've broken something further upstream: style.css; head.html or similar.

Does anyone have a good post to email workflow?

A couple of folk have asked me if I would send new posts to them via email. I'd love to do this, but don't have the energy for a big system setup or complicated workflow. Also clearly not worth a large amount of dollars, given the numbers and my focus. Has anyone done this in a simple fashion with blot?

Org-Mode link syntax?

Typically when linking to another file in org-mode you would use this syntax: file:path/to/file.org However this doesn't work in blot. I'd love if this syntax would be implemented as C-c C-l defaults to this behavior. If this isn't possible with blot, what is the preferred syntax?

How does the magazine template determine the tags to display in the left-hand menu?

I'm using the default magazine template, and am wondering how it choses which tags to show in the left-hand menu. It seems like it's limited to 5 – is it the first 5 that are used in posts, or the top 5 most frequently used? I'm wondering how to change them. Thanks! :)

Twitter Cards

Is it possible have setup where every link shared on twitter adds twitter card with the logo/icon of my site as part of it. I don't put images in most posts and I know other sites have this as default. Thanks!

Change Archives URL

I would like to change the URL of the archive, but I can't find a way to do it. Instead of url/archives, I want the archive website to be accessible at url/blog. How can I change this?

Image as site title

Is there a way to replace the site title on the top left with an image, and still have it link to the landing page? The site is lookingout.io

"Failed to acquire folder lock"

I was creating a series of pages a few days ago—the first 10 worked perfectly, then things stopped updating from my dropbox sync. It looks like Dropbox is functioning fine, and I haven't changed any of my process for adding to blot, so I'm not sure what I broke! When I try to reset/fix my folder on https://blot.im/settings/client/fix, I get an orange error message that says "Failed to acquire folder lock." Any advice?

Ordering posts?

Is there a way to set the order of posts? Maybe be pre-fixing filenames or something like that?

What's your favorite text-editor?

Please share the text-editor you like to use with Blot

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