Bug with new PayPal subscriptions
The error reads: "Stripe: I require argument "customerId", but I got: undefined" I also raised this via support email but not sure which one is checked more often?
How to activate a Template?
I have downloaded a few of the templates and unzipped them and, one at a time, dropped them in the Templates folder of my Blot folder but it seems to have no effect. Is there a way to enable or activate a template?
Analytics proxy?
Would it be possible for Blot to automate setting up a proxy for analytics script (as a safe-guard for add-blockers)? Or better yet, maybe some in-house analytics are in the workings? I currently use Umami as a simple privacy-focused self-hosted and cloud analytics and I keep wondering why wouldn't they just license the script to the third-parties like Blot to run along smoothly with the web-server itself.
editing source for site template ux issue
Blot's new UX is gorgeous, but it became painfully hard to edit a template's source code, as the preview images on the left render in several different sizes and push the rest of the screen far-right.
Add description to tag?
Is there a way to add a description to a tag so that when viewing a block of text could be included?
Editing a template locally
I am unsure what happens if I switch over to editing a template locally. Will the active and current version of the template be saved in a folder on Dropbox (which I am using for my entries and pages)? And what if I, at one point, want to switch back to online editing?
inside code block isn't being encoded
If I put an e.g. literal string inside a code fence: myString.replace(" ", "") That renders literally as a space, so I need to manually encode the ampersand  : myString.replace(" ", "") Then Blot actually renders encoded characters vs a literal non-breaking space. Perhaps it's an issue of properly handling ampersands?
Komments integration?
I'm thinking of switching from Commento to Komments to save money. For now that would mean having to create a Komments URL for each post by hand. Is there a chance you might integrate it as an additional options for comments, so that every new post would automatically create a corresponding Komments URL? Apparently that should be possible via the API.
Will changing link format break things?
For the past few years I've been using a {{YYYY}}/{{M}}/{{slug}} format for my links. I'm reconsidering not having that leading 0 for the month. What will happen to old posts if I change it to {{YYYY}}/{{MM}}/{{slug}}?
Mysterious latex problems?
I am working on a post with some latex equations. They look great and everything, but when there is a latex error of some kind it fails silently, and prevents changes from reflecting in my post. Tracing down an error is a lot of work, but I isolated a few of them, and now that I've traced the problems, I am completely baffled. Very mundane things like adding () around something can cause it to fail, and I can't figure out why. For example I have a line $$A_{ij}$$ contains $$(X_{i,c}W_{c,0})X$$. which apparently works fine because the page renders, but if I change it to $$A_{ij}$$ contains $$(X_{i,c}W_{c,0})(X)$$. then all changes I make to the document are blocked, and aren't reflected until I remove the surrounding () from X. Another problematic snippet is The resulting attention matrix is $$ A = XW^Q W^K^\intercal X^\intercal $$ Which renders the middle W^K correctly, but everything else is left as plain text.. Then if I include the subsequent paragraph, again, changes are blocked. While this is easy to lay out, it is very difficult to interpret. The meaning of each barcode depends entirely on which other barcodes are present, so the meaning of $$W^Q$$ and $$W^K$$ can't be nailed down without context. But if I remove it I can make changes again (but the proceeding equation still renders wrong) I can't reproduce any of these issues with my own local latex environments, and I've tried all kinds of variations to figure out what is wrong. Does anyone know what is going on?
The +Add new link button is broken for me Won't let me add a new link. Not sure if I need to add the link through my pages folder instead, just trying to add a link to my main site. Thanks!
Unable to add new links to the site's menu
The "+Add new link" button doesn't work. It has a "#!" href but no event listener so nothing happens.
CSS Source order changed by compression?
I wrote a couple styles inside a prefers-color-scheme: dark media query. My selectors have the same specificity, but are placed below the styles for the regular light mode. Somehow this ends up in a different source order on the web, making my intended dark mode styles not taking precedence. Is it possible that some server-side minification mixes up the source order of my selectors?
Could you describe how the package.json works?
Was just looking around this evening trying to figure out how the package.json works and not really sure i understand what is going on. for instance it seems to have "locals", "partials", and "url" available under "views". Is that it? Also it appears that you can set up stuff that will show up in the template editor via package.json. How does that work? Also, curious how partials work in the context of views (pages). I see in the latest templates you're always referencing them as {{>partialname}} but in some the older templates they are referenced either as partials or as variables. (was fooling with Marfa). Can it work either way as it seems it can and its just a convention thing? Sorry a lot of questions :) But I'd love a more in-depth idea of how everything fits together in that file.
RSS Feed: Template error after making changes (and also after reverting)
To change the URL of my RSS feed to /rss I renamed the template from feed.rss to rss and adjusted the link inside the template. This didn't work and just gave me an Error with your template when visiting the /rss route. So I changed it back to the way it was before and now I'm still getting the same template error. I also tried using RSS templates from other themes, every time the same error :( What can I do to restore my feed?
Bug with disabling template?
Hi there, I'm trying to take my site offline for a bit so I can work on it. I used to be able to just disable the template but when I click that it says that the template is disabled but the website is still active. Thanks for your help!
How would one go about implementing tufte-css?
I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)