What have you made with Blot?
Anyone care to share the URLs to their Blot blogs here? I know David has a few listed in examples on the front page, but I'm sure there's many more. Would love to see others to follow (and gain inspiration!)... Here's mine: Along the Ray:
What new methods of syncing a folder would you like?
At the moment, Blot supports fours ways to sync a folder: Dropbox Google Drive Git iCloud We're currently working on adding others – which tools or services would you like us to support?
Google Drive access issue
Blot prompted me to reconnect my Google Drive, but when I attempt that I get "This app is blocked: This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access." This appears to be an issue with Blot's security. I've tried to set up an app password via Google but this does not appear to work, either.
Dropbox sync doesn't seem to be up to date?
I've been updating my blog - mostly just photos, and noticed that changes I've been making to my dropbox haven't been properly reflected. I've done the reset Dropbox options, all of them from resync to clearing cache, but doesn't appear to be working.
Has anyone heard from David in recent weeks/months?
Have been getting no reply from him for the past 2+ months on a technical issue, and there has been no github activity (including activity on blot) either Just wondering if everything is okay
Three months without support
I'm sorry after three months without support and a broken site, I've decided to cancel the subscription and to try and look for an alternative. It's a pity because I like the unique simplicity of this publishing model—this is how the web should be for ordinary folks. Good luck.
Caching bug? New post not appearing on homepage
I published a post last night and expected it to be the top post. It did not appear anywhere on the home page. I edited it and reset to make sure dates and times were correct. No change. Looking at the file on the site it is correct if has the new edits. But it is displaying and older version Blog/draft still at the bottom. But this should not prevent it from being the top post. Any ideas? Thanks
Putting CloudFlare infront of blog
I noticed when enabling CloudFlare proxy, the site will end up in a redirect loop. This also happens when disabling the "Redirect subdomain on Blot to your custom domain" setting. Anyone any luck with using CloudFlare proxy ontop of a blot blog?
Specific Tag Views?
Is there a way to creat specific views that the blog engine will access when a visitor goes to a /tagged/keyword url? Example. I’d love to be able to make a tagged-photos.html view with specific markup and have the blog engine know to load this when someone goes to the /tagged/photos url. If a tag specific view does not exist, the default tagged.html would be used. I know I can make a view, filter it on a specific tag, and then bind that view to a specific short url /photos through the json file, but I’m wondering if there’s a more fluid/less clunky way.
Filtering posts onto separate page?
I would like to know how to have a section in the blog containing posts independent of those on the home page. For example, I would like to create a page called 'News' on which to put posts that do not appear on the home page.
URL-ifying Titles
I noticed that Blot replaces apostrophes with dashes when converting a title to a URL-ready slug, but only when they’re singular. For example, Apple’s Striking Short Film Ahead of International Day of People With Disabilities → vs ‘All Consuming’ Podcast is Back → Would you consider making it so singular apostrophes are also ignored, as it would make the URLs more readable?
Does anybody know of a good way to syncronise an iCloud folder with a Dropbox folder?
Blot connects (so far) only to Dropbox as data source. Some writing tools I work with only connect to iCloud. If I want to continue working with both, I would need a sync solution between an iCloud folder and a Dropbox folder. Does anybody know of some online services doing this?
How to change the visual date format
I am used to a date format like 18 Jan 1999 or at least 18-01-1999. I have set the date format in the settings to DD-MM-YYY, but still the blog displays January 18, 1999.
Dropbox not syncing?
I've made a few file changes in Dropbox that the client is happily picking up but for some reason Blot doesn't appear to be syncing so my site isn't being updated. The status page doesn't show anything and neither does the dashboard. Anyone else seeing this?
Does anyone have a good post to email workflow?
A couple of folk have asked me if I would send new posts to them via email. I'd love to do this, but don't have the energy for a big system setup or complicated workflow. Also clearly not worth a large amount of dollars, given the numbers and my focus. Has anyone done this in a simple fashion with blot?
How does the magazine template determine the tags to display in the menu?
I'm using the default magazine template, and am wondering how it choses which tags to show in the left-hand menu. It seems like it's limited to 5 – is it the first 5 that are used in posts, or the top 5 most frequently used? I'm wondering how to change them. Thanks! :)
Google Drive is working again
You'll need to log in and re-connect your folder to Google Drive on the folder settings page. I have finished the rewrite of the client which syncs Google Drive to Blot, avoiding Google's API shenanigans. Instead of asking you to go through the Google OAUTH login flow, the new client simply asks you to share a folder in your Drive with a specific email address. Since we're not using Google Drive's API in the same way, the new client doesn't require full access to your Google Drive, which is wonderful. There will be bugs with the new implementation, which I will fix. I'm hesitant to conclude with something along the lines of 'Sorry about this' because the interruption was entirely Google's fault.
Bug with new PayPal subscriptions
The error reads: "Stripe: I require argument "customerId", but I got: undefined" I also raised this via support email but not sure which one is checked more often?
Posting videos?
Is there any way to embed an MP4? When I do this it just shows a static image that does not play?
Free comment service?
I would like to have comments under my blogs, but i am not quite ready to pay $5/mo or more for this feature. Is there any plan in supporting a free comment feature?
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