How does the magazine template determine the tags to display in the menu?
I'm using the default magazine template, and am wondering how it choses which tags to show in the left-hand menu. It seems like it's limited to 5 – is it the first 5 that are used in posts, or the top 5 most frequently used? I'm wondering how to change them. Thanks! :)
Just seconding this question. Also the template presents the tags in the left hand menu with more visual prominence (first and larger) than the site title/pages/links underneath them. Is there a way to swap them round or otherwise adjust? Thanks.
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerThe tags displayed in the sidebar of the Magazine template are your five most popular tags in descending order. You can edit the source code for this part of the template in Lines 30 to 32 of header.html
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerHi, what should I put instead of "popular_tags" to show all tags?
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerThank you for your reply. I also had to change in line 29 clip-tags to all-tags, otherwise it kept showing me only the 5 most used ones.
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerGreat, please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerWhen you say most popular tags, is it based on views/clicks/etc or number of posts tagged as such?
Thanks, Ray
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerIs it possible to change the number of popular tags displayed? I.e. rather than 5 maybe 10?
Answered a month ago · Edit answerYes, change the CSS class clip-tags
to clip-10
on line 29 of header.html.
The CSS definitions for these classes start on line 254 of css-theme.css
Answered a month ago · Edit answerOh, that's wild! Love how you use CSS to handle it. Thank you!
Answered a month ago · Edit answer