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147 questions tagged ‘Developers’

Formatting a custom date field?

Hello, I have a custom date field that looks like this: update: 2015-05-12. I've seen there are ways to format dates for built-in fields. Is there a way to do so for custom fields? Alex

Checking for home page?

How can I check in mustache if I'm on the homepage? I want to do something different on the homepage, but the same on entries and the archive page. So using {{#entry.title}}...{{/entry.title}} doesn't help me in this case. Alex

Linked title in teaser?

All my posts start with an H1 that provides the post's title. When using a teaser, is it possible to have the H1 link to the blog post?

Showing all comments on the homepage?

I'd like my comments/box to appear under every post on the main page. My entry.html now looks like this: <div class="clear"></div> <section id="#Comments"> {{> pluginHTML}} </section> <div class="clear"></div> The comments appear on each entry if I visit it from the archive but not on the homepage.

Image Gallery on an Ordinary Markdown Blot page?

Say I want to post a gallery of images on a specific blot page but am not using a gallery/artsy-type template that specializes in that sort of thing. Is it possible to do this in markdown or would I have to use some type of custom CSS or another type of fancy code?

#all_tags stopped working?

I noticed in all my templates that use #all_tags they stopped working on both of my sites, returning blank results. I'm guessing something changed on the back-end? Is it possible this could be restored? It brings very useful capabilities. Example code: {{#all_tags}} {{#entries}} {{#tagged.liked}} <a href="{{metadata.source}}" target="_blank">{{title}}</a> → <br><dd>{{summary}}</dd><br> {{/tagged.liked}} {{/entries}} {{/all_tags}} Page it's used on: https://notes.alongtheray.com/bookmarks

Can I rename the local-edit folder of my forked template?

I forked a template to make my own, renamed it, and exported it to my Dropbox folder so I can edit it locally. The resulting folder is named after the template I forked ("empty-copy-template") instead of the name I gave it. Can I rename it? If so, do I need to keep the same style (all lowercase, dashes instead of spaces)? — Shy

Why would CSS reset after editing in browser?

I have been modifying my style.css sheet in Blot's template editor for the past few hours. I was using the Original template and modifying in Blot's dashboard interface. However, after a page refresh while editing the style sheet, I lost all changes I had been working on. Why would this happen? And how do I ensure this doesn't happen again?

Exclude some tags from popular tags?

Is there a way to exclude some tags from being listed in the {{#popular_tags}} list? Thanks, Ray

Hide specific tags from the RSS feed?

Is it possible to remove certain categories tags from the feed?

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