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Checking for home page?

How can I check in mustache if I'm on the homepage?

I want to do something different on the homepage, but the same on entries and the archive page. So using {{#entry.title}}...{{/entry.title}} doesn't help me in this case.


6 days ago, 6 replies   developers   Edit question

Use custom metadata in your homepage file:

Homepage: yes

And in your template:

... will appear on your homepage
... will NOT appear on your homepage
Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

I'm using the default entries.html file for the homepage. If I try to add YAML front matter it just displays it like regular HTML. I tried adding the field in package.json, but that didn't work either.

How can I add the metadata?


Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

Ah I see, I assumed you were using a page with the following metadata:

Link: /

If you're just working within your template, create a new file index.html and in package.json, set its URL to '/'

Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

I don't follow. What would be the difference in creating index.html? How would I create the homepage variable?

I was hoping this might have worked, but alas :)

"entries.html": {
      "homepage": "true",
      "partials": {
        "title": "{{{title}}}",
        "description": "The latest on {{{title}}}"
Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

A simpler option which only requires one template file, entries.html but assumes you have multiple pages of posts (which you do) is this:

.. You are on the homepage
.. You are NOT on the homepage
Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

Just {{#pagination}}...{{/pagination}} and {{^pagination}}..{{/pagination}} seems to work fine! Thanks!


Answered 6 days ago · Edit answer

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