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Getting started

Blot turns a folder into a website. Files become posts on your site. Drag-and-drop to publish. There’s no interface, just files, so you can use your favorite tools. You can create all sorts of sites with Blot: blogs, photography sites, portfolios and much more. Fundamentally, they all work the same way.

Watch demonstration (6:25)


  1. Sign up and create a site.
  2. Sync the folder for your site. Blot publishes files inside your folder.
  3. Select a template to customize the look of your site.

Sync the folder


You can organize your folder however you like. By default, files inside becomes posts. However, Blot treats files in the following folders differently:


Prevent a file becoming a post

Files and folders whose name starts with an underscore are ignored. Ignored files don’t become posts but you can embed them. For example, none of these files become posts:

_Apple.jpg Not published because file name starts with an underscore.
_Fruit Banana.jpg Not published because file is in folder whose name starts with an underscore.
Apple.jpg Published because it’s a type of file Blot can publish.

Your folder is public

The files in your site’s folder are public. This is useful if you want to embed an image, a video or an audio file in a post. You can also use this to share files with your readers. For example, given the folder below, your readers can download Archive.zip if they visit /Files/Archive.zip on your site.

 Your site
  1. Getting started
  2. Sync folder
  3. Files
  4. Metadata
  5. Sub-folders
  6. Formatting
  7. Set up site
  8. Reference