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Getting started

Blot turns a folder into a website. Files become posts on your site. Drag-and-drop to publish. There is no interface, just files, so you can use your favorite tools. You can create all sorts of sites with Blot: blogs, photography sites, portfolios and much more. Fundamentally, they all work the same way.

Watch demo (6:25)


  1. Sign up and create a site.
  2. Sync the folder for your site. Blot publishes files inside your folder.
  3. Select a template to customize the look of your site.

Sync the folder


Prevent a file becoming a post

Files and folders whose name starts with an underscore are ignored. Ignored files don’t become posts but you can embed them. For example, none of these files become posts:

_Apple.jpg Not published because file name starts with an underscore.
_Fruit Banana.jpg Not published because file is in folder whose name starts with an underscore.
Apple.jpg Published because it’s a type of file Blot can publish.


You can organize your folder however you like. By default, files inside becomes posts. However, Blot treats files in the following folders differently:

Your folder is public

The files in your site’s folder are public. This is useful if you want to embed an image, a video or an audio file in a post. You can also use this to share files with your readers. For example, given the folder below, your readers can download Archive.zip if they visit /Files/Archive.zip on your site.

 Your site
  1. Getting started
  2. Sync folder
  3. Files
  4. Metadata
  5. Sub-folders
  6. Formatting
  7. Set up site
  8. Reference

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