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Let’s say you own example.com and would like to use it for your site. First, decide whether you would like:

  • to use a subdomain, like site.example.com or www.example.com
  • to use the apex domain, which is just example.com.

Use a subdomain (e.g. www.example.com)

  1. Go to your domain’s DNS page. This is usually where you bought the domain. Create a CNAME record for the subdomain you’d like to use and set its value to blot.im.

  2. Tell Blot your full domain including the subdomain, e.g. www.example.com, on the dashboard.

Use an apex domain (e.g. example.com)

  1. Go to your domain’s DNS page. This is usually where you bought the domain. Create an ALIAS record which points to blot.im.

  2. Tell Blot your domain, e.g. example.com, on the dashboard.

If you cannot create an ALIAS record, I recommend you use the www subdomain, then set up a redirect from the apex domain to the subdomain. A number of DNS providers offer ALIAS records, including Route 53 and DNSimple. Cloudflare offers CNAME Flattening, which are ALIAS records by another name.

Reference for DNS records

Type Host Value
CNAME www blot.im
ALIAS @ blot.im
A @

Having trouble setting up your domain?

Please don’t hesitate to contact support. Here are some checks I make when diagnosing DNS issues:

  • Are your domain’s old DNS records still in your computer’s DNS cache? It may take up to 72 hours for these records to flush on their own.
  • Are the domain’s name servers pointing to the registrar’s DNS service?
  • Are the host (e.g. www) and value (e.g. blot.im) fields in the DNS record reversed?
  1. Getting started
  2. Sync folder
  3. Files
  4. Metadata
  5. Sub-folders
  6. Formatting
  7. Set up site
  8. Reference

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