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You can connect your site’s folder to Blot with Dropbox, a file hosting service available on most platforms. You can switch your site seamlessly to another client at any point.

Can Blot access all the files in my Dropbox?

No, Blot only requests access to your site’s folder in your Dropbox by default. However, you can choose to grant Blot special access to your entire Dropbox. Only ever do this if you want to move your site’s folder, or share it with other people who use Dropbox.

Bandwidth limits

Dropbox’s traffic limits do not apply because Blot hosts the contents of your folder on its own server.

Using your phone or tablet

There are a number of text-editing apps for phones and tablets which integrate beautifully with Dropbox. I use iA Writer and I’ve heard from a number of customers who use Bear and Ulysses.

Multiple sites

You can create more than one site using Dropbox. When you add a second site, Blot moves the existing site folder into a subfolder of the Dropbox App folder, then creates a second subfolder for the new site.

Switching client

You can switch seamlessly from Dropbox to another client at any point:

  1. Getting started
  2. Sync folder
  3. Files
  4. Metadata
  5. Sub-folders
  6. Formatting
  7. Set up site
  8. Reference

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