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Typesetting with TeX\TeX. This is a list of TeX\TeX functions supported by Blot. It is sorted into logical groups.

    Blot can typeset $$\TeX$$. Use two dollar signs ($) to delimit the $$\TeX$$. You can use $$\TeX$$ in the middle of a sentence, or on its own line:

    f(x) = 2x^2 + 2/3


aa’ a’ AB\overrightarrow{AB} \overrightarrow{AB}
a¨\ddot{a} \ddot{a} AB\overleftarrow{AB} \overleftarrow{AB}
a’’a’’ a’′ AB\underrightarrow{AB} \underrightarrow{AB}
aˋ\grave{a} \grave{a} AB\underleftarrow{AB} \underleftarrow{AB}
aa^{\prime} a^{\prime} AB\overbrace{AB} \overbrace{AB}
θ^\hat{\theta} \hat{\theta} AB\overleftrightarrow{AB} \overleftrightarrow{AB}
aˊ\acute{a} \acute{a} AB\underbrace{AB} \underbrace{AB}
ac^\widehat{ac} \widehat{ac} AB\underleftrightarrow{AB} \underleftrightarrow{AB}
yˉ\bar{y} \bar{y} ABundefined\overlinesegment{AB} \overlinesegment{AB}
a~\tilde{a} \tilde{a} AB\overgroup{AB} \overgroup{AB}
a˘\breve{a} \breve{a} ABundefined\underlinesegment{AB} \underlinesegment{AB}
ac~\widetilde{ac} \widetilde{ac} AB\undergroup{AB} \undergroup{AB}
aˇ\check{a} \check{a} ac\overrightharpoon{ac} \overrightharpoon{ac}
F\vec{F} \vec{F} ac\overleftharpoon{ac} \overleftharpoon{ac}
a˙\dot{a} \dot{a} AB~\utilde{AB} \utilde{AB}
AB\overline{AB} \overline{AB} AB\Overrightarrow{AB} \Overrightarrow{AB}
AB\underline{AB} \underline{AB}

See also letters.

Accent functions inside \text{…}

’a\text{'{a}} '{a} a˜\text{\~{a}} \~{a} a˙\text{\.{a}} \.{a}
aˋ\text{\`{a}} \`{a} aˉ\text{\={a}} \={a} "a\text{"{a}} "{a}
aˆ\text{\^{a}} \^{a} a˘\text{\u{a}} \u{a} a˚\text{\r{a}} \r{a}
a˝\text{\H{a}} \H{a} aˇ\text{\v{a}} \v{a}


()(\,) ( ) \lgroup\:\rgroup \lgroup
\lceil\:\rceil \lceil
\uparrow \uparrow
[][\:] [ ] []\lbrack\:\rbrack \lbrack
⌊⌋ \lfloor
\downarrow \downarrow
{}\{\,\} \{ \} {}\lbrace\:\rbrace \lbrace
\ulcorner \urcorner \ulcorner
\updownarrow \updownarrow
\langle\:\rangle \langle
<>\lt\:\gt \lt
\llcorner \lrcorner \llcorner
\Uparrow \Uparrow
| | \vert \vert \\backslash \backslash \Downarrow \Downarrow
\| \| \Vert \Vert \lmoustache\:\rmoustache \lmoustache
\Updownarrow \Updownarrow
  \lvert\;\rvert \lvert
  \lVert\;\rVert \lVert
\left. \right.

Delimiter Sizing

(AB)\left(\LARGE{AB}\right) \left( \LARGE{AB} \right) \left \big \bigl \bigr
\middle \Big \Bigl \Bigr
(((((( \big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg( ( \big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg( \right \bigg \biggl \biggr
\Bigg \Biggl \Biggr


abcd\begin{matrix} a&b\\c&d \end{matrix} \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix} abcd\begin{array}{c|c} a&b\\c&d \end{array} \begin{array}{c|c} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}
(abcd)\begin{pmatrix} a & b\\c & d \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} [abcd]\begin{bmatrix} a & b\\c & d \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}
abcd\begin{vmatrix} a & b\\c & d \end{vmatrix} \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} abcd\begin{Vmatrix} a & b\\c & d \end{Vmatrix} \begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Vmatrix}
{abcd}\begin{Bmatrix} a & b\\c & d \end{Bmatrix} \begin{Bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Bmatrix} abcdefghi\def\arraystretch{1.5}\begin{array}{c:c:c} a & b & c\\\hline d & e & f\\\hdashline g & h & i \end{array} \def\arraystretch{1.5} \begin{array}{c:c:c} a & b & c \\ \hline d & e & f \\ \hdashline g & h & i \end{array}
a=b+cd+e=f\begin{aligned} a&=b+c\\d+e&=f \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f \end{aligned} 10x+3y=23x+13y=4\begin{alignedat}{2}10&x+&3&y=2\\3&x+&13&y=4\end{alignedat} \begin{alignedat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4 \end{alignedat}
a=be=b+c\begin{gathered} a=b\\e=b+c \end{gathered} \begin{gathered} a=b \\ e=b+c \end{gathered} x={aif bcif dx = \begin{cases} a &\text{if } b\\c &\text{if } d \end{cases} x = \begin{cases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{cases}

There is also support for {darray} and {dcases}. Acceptable line separators include: \\, \cr, and \\[distance]. Distance can be written with any of the units. The {array} environment does not yet support \hline.

Greek Letters

Γ \Gamma Δ \Delta Θ \Theta Λ \Lambda
Ξ \Xi Π \Pi Σ \Sigma Υ \Upsilon
Φ \Phi Ψ \Psi Ω \Omega
α \alpha β \beta γ \gamma δ \delta
ϵ \epsilon ζ \zeta η \eta θ \theta
ι \iota κ \kappa λ \lambda μ \mu
ν \nu ξ \xi o \omicron π \pi
ρ \rho σ \sigma τ \tau υ \upsilon
ϕ \phi χ \chi ψ \psi ω \omega
ε \varepsilon ϰ \varkappa ϑ \vartheta ϖ \varpi
ϱ \varrho ς \varsigma φ \varphi ϝ \digamma
Direct Input: Γ Δ Θ Λ Ξ Π Σ Υ Φ Ψ Ω
α β γ δ ϵ ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ o π ρ σ τ υ ϕ χ ψ ω ε ϑ ϖ ϱ ς φ

Other Letters

ı\imath \imath ȷ\jmath \jmath \aleph \beth \gimel
\daleth ð \eth \Finv \Game \ell
\hbar \hslash \Im \Re \wp
\partial \nabla k\Bbbk \Bbbk
Direct Input: ℂ ℍ ℕ ℙ ℚ ℝ ℤ
∂ ð ∇ ℑ ℓ ℘ ℜ Ⅎ ℵ ℶ ℷ ℸ ⅁

Letters inside \text{}

\text{…} will accept the functions: \ae, \AE, \oe, \OE, \o, \O, \ss, \i, \j. \text{…} also accepts Unicode characters from:

Script Unicode Range Script Unicode Range
Latin-1 0080 — 00FF Sinhala 0D80 — 0DFF
Cyrillic 0400 — 04FF Thai 0E00 — 0E7F
Devanagari 0900 — 097F Lao 0E80 — 0EFF
Bengali 0980 — 09FF Tibetan 0F00 — 0FFF
Gurmukhi 0A00 — 0A7F CJK symbols and punctuation 3000 — 303F
Gujarati 0A80 — 0AFF Hiragana 3040 — 309F
Oriya 0B00 — 0B7F Katakana 30A0 — 30FF
Tamil 0B80 — 0BFF CJK ideograms 4E00 — 9FAF
Telugu 0C00 — 0C7F Hangul AC00 — D7AF
Kannada 0C80 — 0CFF Full width punctuation FF00 — FF60
Malayalam 0D00 — 0D7F


5\cancel{5} \cancel{5} a+b+cnote\overbrace{a+b+c}^{\text{note}} \overbrace{a+b+c}^{\text{note}}
5\bcancel{5} \bcancel{5} a+b+cnote\underbrace{a+b+c}_{\text{note}} \underbrace{a+b+c}_{\text{note}}
ABC\xcancel{ABC} \xcancel{ABC} π=cd\boxed{\pi = \frac c d} \boxed{\pi=\frac c d}
abc\sout{abc} \sout{abc}
\not = \not =


=/{=}\mathllap{/\,} {=}\mathllap{/\,} (x2)\left(x^{\smash{2}}\right) \left(x^{\smash{2}}\right)
/=\mathrlap{\,/}{=} \mathrlap{\,/}{=}    y\sqrt{\smash[b]{y}} \sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}
1ijnxij \displaystyle \sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le j\le n}} x_{ij} \sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le j\le n}} x_{ij}

There is also support for \llap, \rlap, and \clap, but they will take only text, not math, as arguments.


Function Produces Function Produces
\! – ³∕₁₈ em space \kern{distance} space, width = distance
\, ³∕₁₈ em space \mkern{distance} space, width = distance
\thinspace ³∕₁₈ em space \skip{distance} space, width = distance
\: ⁴∕₁₈ em space \mskip{distance} space, width = distance
\medspace ⁴∕₁₈ em space \hspace{distance} space, width = distance
\; ⁵∕₁₈ em space \hspace*{distance} space, width = distance
\thickspace ⁵∕₁₈ em space \phantom{content} space the width and height of content
\enspace ½ em space \hphantom{content} space the width of content
\quad 1 em space \vphantom{content} a strut the height of content
\qquad 2 em space
~ non-breaking space
\space non-breaking space
\space non-breaking space

{distance} will accept any of the units.
\mkern and \mskip will not work in text mode and both will write a console warning for any unit except mu.

See also environments

Vertical Layout

xnx_n x_n =!\stackrel{!}{=} \stackrel{!}{=} ab a \atop b a \atop b
exe^x e^x =!\overset{!}{=} \overset{!}{=} abca\raisebox{0.25em}{b}c  a\raisebox{0.25em}{b}c
uo_u^o _u^o  =!\underset{!}{=} \underset{!}{=} 

See also relations and binary operators

Logic and Set Theory

\forall \complement \therefore ¬ \neg or \lnot
\exists \subset \because \emptyset or \varnothing
\nexists \supset \mapsto
\in \mid \to \implies
\notin \land \gets \impliedby
\ni \lor \leftrightarrow \iff
\notni \notni
Direct Input: ∀ ∴ ∁ ∵ ∃ ∣ ∈ ∉ ∋ ⊂ ⊃ ∧ ∨ ↦ → ← ↔ ℂ ℍ ℕ ℙ ℚ ℝ ℤ

Big Operators

\sum \prod \bigvee \bigotimes
\int \coprod \bigwedge \bigoplus
\iint \intop \bigcap \bigodot
\iiint \smallint \bigcup \biguplus
\oint \bigsqcup
Direct Input: ∫ ∬ ∭ ∮ ∏ ∐ ∑ ⋀ ⋁ ⋂ ⋃ ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ ⨄ ⨆

Binary Operators

+ + \cdot \gtrdot
- \cdotp \intercal
/ / \centerdot \centerdot \land
* \circ \leftthreetimes
⨿ \amalg \circledast . \ldotp
& \And \circledcirc \lor
\ast \circleddash \lessdot
\barwedge \Cup \lhd
\bigcirc \cup \ltimes
\boxdot \curlyvee \rhd
\curlywedge \mp \boxminus
÷ \div \odot \boxplus
\divideontimes \ominus \boxtimes
\dotplus \oplus \bullet
\doublebarwedge \otimes \Cap
\doublecap \oslash \cap
\doublecup ± \pm \rightthreetimes
\rtimes \setminus \smallsetminus \smallsetminus
\sqcap \sqcup × \times
\unlhd \unrhd \uplus
\vee \veebar \wedge
x(moda)x \pmod a x \pmod a x(a)x \pod a x \pod a
xmodax\mod a x\mod a mod\bmod \bmod
Direct Input: + - / * ⋅ ± × ÷ ∓ ∔ ∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ≀ ⊎ ⊓ ⊔ ⊕ ⊖ ⊗ ⊘ ⊙ ⊚ ⊛ ⊝ ⊞ ⊟ ⊠ ⊡ ⊺ ⊻ ⊼ ⋇ ⋉ ⋊ ⋋ ⋌ ⋎ ⋏ ⋒ ⋓ ⩞

Binomial Coefficients

(nk)\binom{n}{k} \binom{n}{k} (nk)\dbinom{n}{k} \dbinom{n}{k} nk\left\langle n \atop k \right\rangle \left\langle
n \atop k
(nk){n}\choose{k} {n}\choose{k} (nk)\tbinom{n}{k} \tbinom{n}{k}


ab\frac{a}{b} \frac{a}{b} ab\dfrac{a}{b} \dfrac{a}{b} a/b{a}/{b} {a}/{b}
ab{a}\over{b} {a}\over{b} ab\tfrac{a}{b} \tfrac{a}{b}

Math Operators

arcsin \arcsin cotg \cotg ln \ln det \det
arccos \arccos coth \coth log \log gcd \gcd
arctan \arctan csc \csc sec \sec inf \inf
arctg \arctg ctg \ctg sin \sin lim \lim
arcctg \arcctg cth \cth sinh \sinh lim inf \liminf
arg \arg deg \deg sh \sh lim sup \limsup
ch \ch dim \dim tan \tan max \max
cos \cos exp \exp tanh \tanh min \min
cosec \cosec hom \hom tg \tg Pr \Pr
cosh \cosh ker \ker th \th sup \sup
cot \cot lg \lg
asin x \operatorname{asin} x

Functions on the right side of this table can take \limits.


x\sqrt{x}  \sqrt{x}
x3\sqrt[3]{x}  \sqrt[3]{x}


=!\stackrel{!}{=} \stackrel{!}{=}
= = \curlyeqsucc \gtrapprox
< < \dashv \gtreqless
> > \dblcolon \dblcolon \gtreqqless
: : \doteq \gtrless
\approx \Doteq \gtrsim
\approxeq \doteqdot \in
\asymp \eqcirc \Join
\backepsilon \eqcolon \eqcolon \le
\backsim \Eqcolon \Eqcolon \leq
\backsimeq \eqqcolon \eqqcolon \leqq
\between =\Eqqcolon \Eqqcolon \leqslant
\bowtie \eqsim \lessapprox
\bumpeq \eqslantgtr \lesseqgtr
\Bumpeq \eqslantless \lesseqqgtr
\circeq \equiv \lessgtr
:\colonapprox \colonapprox \fallingdotseq \lesssim
\Colonapprox \Colonapprox \frown \ll
:\coloneq \coloneq \ge \lll
\Coloneq \Coloneq \geq \llless
\coloneqq \coloneqq \geqq < \lt
=\Coloneqq \Coloneqq \geqslant \mid
:\colonsim \colonsim \gg \models
\Colonsim \Colonsim \ggg \multimap
\cong \gggtr \owns
\curlyeqprec > \gt \parallel
\perp \succapprox \pitchfork
\succcurlyeq \prec \succeq
\precapprox \succsim \preccurlyeq
\Supset \preceq \supset
\precsim \supseteq \propto
\supseteqq \risingdotseq \thickapprox
\shortmid \thicksim \shortparallel
\trianglelefteq \sim \triangleq
\simeq \trianglerighteq \smallfrown \smallfrown
\varpropto \smallsmile \smallsmile \vartriangle
\smile \vartriangleleft \sqsubset
\vartriangleright \sqsubseteq :\vcentcolon \vcentcolon
\sqsupset \vdash \sqsupseteq
\vDash \Subset \Vdash
\subset \Vvdash \subseteq
\subseteqq \succ
Direct Input: = < > : ∈ ∋ ∝ ∼ ∽ ≂ ≃ ≅ ≈ ≊ ≍ ≎ ≏ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≓ ≖ ≗ ≜ ≡ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≫ ≬ ≳ ≷ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒ ⊢ ⊣ ⊩ ⊪ ⊸ ⋈ ⋍ ⋐ ⋑ ⋔ ⋙ ⋛ ⋞ ⋟ ⌢ ⌣ ⩾ ⪆ ⪌ ⪕ ⪖ ⪯ ⪰ ⪷ ⪸ ⫅ ⫆

Negated Relations

\gnapprox \ngeqslant \nsubseteq
\gneq \ngtr \nsubseteqq
\gneqq \nleq \nsucc
\gnsim \nleqq \nsucceq
\gvertneqq \nleqslant \nsupseteq
\lnapprox \nless \nsupseteqq
\lneq \nmid \ntriangleleft
\lneqq \notin \ntrianglelefteq
\lnsim \notni \notni \ntriangleright
\lvertneqq \nparallel \ntrianglerighteq
\ncong \nprec \nvdash
\ne \npreceq \nvDash
\neq \nshortmid \nVDash
\ngeq \nshortparallel \nVdash
\ngeqq \nsim \precnapprox
\precneqq \precnsim \subsetneq
\subsetneqq \succnapprox \succneqq
\succnsim \supsetneq \supsetneqq
\varsubsetneq \varsubsetneqq \varsupsetneq
\varsupsetneqq \not = \not =
Direct Input: ∉ ∤ ∦ ≁ ≆ ≠ ≨ ≩ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ⊀ ⊁ ⊈ ⊉ ⊊ ⊋ ⊬ ⊭ ⊮ ⊯ ⋠ ⋡ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋬ ⋭ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪵ ⪶ ⪹ ⪺ ⫋ ⫌


\circlearrowleft \Leftarrow
\circlearrowright \leftarrowtail
\curvearrowleft \leftharpoondown
\curvearrowright \leftharpoonup
\dashleftarrow \leftleftarrows
\dashrightarrow \leftrightarrow
\downarrow \Leftrightarrow
\Downarrow \leftrightarrows
\downdownarrows \leftrightharpoons
\downharpoonleft \leftrightsquigarrow
\downharpoonright \Lleftarrow
\gets \longleftarrow
\hookleftarrow \Longleftarrow
\hookrightarrow \longleftrightarrow
\iff \Longleftrightarrow
\impliedby \longmapsto
\implies \longrightarrow
\leadsto \Longrightarrow
\leftarrow \looparrowleft
\looparrowright \rightrightarrows
\Lsh \rightsquigarrow
\mapsto \Rrightarrow
\nearrow \Rsh
\nleftarrow \searrow
\nLeftarrow \swarrow
\nleftrightarrow \to
\nLeftrightarrow \twoheadleftarrow
\nrightarrow \twoheadrightarrow
\nRightarrow \uparrow
\nwarrow \Uparrow
\restriction \updownarrow
\rightarrow \Updownarrow
\Rightarrow \upharpoonleft
\rightarrowtail \upharpoonright
\rightharpoondown \upuparrows
\rightharpoonup \rightleftarrows
Direct Input: = < > : ∈ ∋ ∝ ∼ ∽ ≂ ≃ ≅ ≈ ≊ ≍ ≎ ≏ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≓ ≖ ≗ ≜ ≡ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≫ ≬ ≳ ≷ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒ ⊢ ⊣ ⊩ ⊪ ⊸ ⋈ ⋍ ⋐ ⋑ ⋔ ⋙ ⋛ ⋞ ⋟ ⌢ ⌣ ⩾ ⪆ ⪌ ⪕ ⪖ ⪯ ⪰ ⪷ ⪸ ⫅ ⫆

Extensible Arrows

over\xrightarrow{over} \xrightarrow{over} abc\xRightarrow{abc} \xRightarrow{abc}
underover\xrightarrow[under]{over} \xrightarrow[under]{over} abc\xmapsto{abc} \xmapsto{abc}
abc\xleftarrow{abc} \xleftarrow{abc} abc\xLeftarrow{abc} \xLeftarrow{abc}
abc\xleftrightarrow{abc} \xleftrightarrow{abc} abc\xLeftrightarrow{abc} \xLeftrightarrow{abc}
abc\xhookleftarrow{abc} \xhookleftarrow{abc} abc\xhookrightarrow{abc} \xhookrightarrow{abc}
abc\xtwoheadrightarrow{abc} \xtwoheadrightarrow{abc} =abc\xlongequal{abc} \xlongequal{abc}
abc\xtwoheadleftarrow{abc} \xtwoheadleftarrow{abc} abc\xtofrom{abc} \xtofrom{abc}
abc\xrightharpoonup{abc} \xrightharpoonup{abc} abc\xrightharpoondown{abc} \xrightharpoondown{abc}
abc\xleftharpoonup{abc} \xleftharpoonup{abc} abc\xleftharpoondown{abc} \xleftharpoondown{abc}
abc\xrightleftharpoons{abc} \xrightleftharpoons{abc} abc\xleftrightharpoons{abc} \xleftrightharpoons{abc}

Extensible arrows all can take an optional argument in the same manner as \xrightarrow[under]{over}.

Class Assignment

\mathbin \mathclose \mathinner \mathop
\mathopen \mathord \mathpunct \mathrel


The color function behaves like a switch.

F=ma\color{blue} F=ma \color{blue} F=ma
F=ma\color{#fc625d} F=ma \color{#fc625d} F=ma

Other color functions always expect the content to be a function argument.

F=ma\textcolor{forestgreen}{F=ma} \textcolor{forestgreen}{F=ma}
F=ma\textcolor{#fc625d}{F=ma} \textcolor{#fc625d}{F=ma}
A\colorbox{gold}{A} \colorbox{gold}{A}
A\fcolorbox{black}{gold}{A} \fcolorbox{black}{gold}{A}

For color definition, color functions will accept the standard HTML predefined color names. They will also accept an RGB argument in CSS hexa­decimal style.


AB \mathrm{AB} AB \mathit{AB} AB \frak{AB}
AB \textrm{AB} AB \textit{AB} AB \mathfrak{AB}
AB \rm{AB} AB \it{AB} AB \mathscr{AB}
AB \textnormal{AB} AB \Bbb{AB} AB \mathcal{AB}
AB \text{AB} AB \mathbb{AB}
AB \mathbf{AB} AB \mathtt{AB}
AB \textbf{AB} AB \texttt{AB}
AB \bf{AB} AB \tt{AB}
AB \bold{AB} AB \textsf{AB}
AB \boldsymbol{AB} AB \sf{AB}
AB \bm{AB} AB \mathsf{AB}

One can stack font family, font weight, and font shape by using the \textXX versions of the font functions. So \textsf{\textbf{H}} will produce H\textsf{\textbf{H}}. The other versions so not stack, e.g., \mathsf{\mathbf{H}} will produce H\mathsf{\mathbf{H}}.


AB\Huge{AB} \Huge{AB} AB\normalsize{AB} \normalsize{AB}
AB\huge{AB} \huge{AB} AB\small{AB} \small{AB}
AB\LARGE{AB} \LARGE{AB} AB\footnotesize{AB} \footnotesize{AB}
AB\Large{AB} \Large{AB} AB\scriptsize{AB} \scriptsize{AB}
AB\large{AB} \large{AB} AB\tiny{AB} \tiny{AB}


i=1n\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n
i=1n\textstyle\sum_{i=1}^n \textstyle\sum_{i=1}^n
x\scriptstyle x \scriptstyle x The size of a first sub/superscript
x\scriptscriptstyle x \scriptscriptstyle x The size of subsequent sub/superscripts
limx\lim\limits_x \lim\limits_x
limx\lim\nolimits_x \lim\nolimits_x
 x^2\verb! x^2! \verb!x^2!
x\text{x} \text{x}

\text{…} will accept nested $…$ fragments and render them in math mode.

\text{…} will render an extended range of characters. See Letters inside \text.

Symbols and Punctuation

% comment \Box \dots
% \% \square \cdots
# \# \blacksquare \ddots
& \& \triangle \triangle \ldots
_ \_ \triangledown \triangledown \vdots
_ \textunderscore \triangleleft \triangleleft \mathellipsis
\triangleright \triangleright \textellipsis
\textendash \bigtriangledown \bigtriangledown \flat
–- \bigtriangleup \bigtriangleup \natural
\textemdash \blacktriangle \sharp
` \blacktriangledown ® \circledR
\textquoteleft \blacktriangleleft \circledS
\textquoteright \blacktriangleright \clubsuit
\textquotedblleft \diamond \diamondsuit
\Diamond \heartsuit
\textquotedblright \lozenge \spadesuit
: \colon \blacklozenge \angle
\backprime \star \measuredangle
\prime \bigstar \sphericalangle
< \textless | \textbar \top
> \textgreater \textbardbl \bot
{ \textbraceleft } \textbraceright \checkmark
\dag \dagger \textdagger
\ddag \ddagger \textdaggerdbl
$ \$ $ \textdollar £ \pounds
£ \textsterling ¥ \yen \surd
° \degree \diagdown \diagup
\mho \maltese \nabla
KaTeX\KaTeX \KaTeX LaTeX\LaTeX \LaTeX TeX\TeX \TeX
Direct Input: £ ¥ ∇ ∞ · ∠ ∡ ∢ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♭ ♮ ♯ ✓


Units are proportioned as they are in TeX instead of CSS.

Unit Value Unit Value
em CSS em bp 172\frac 1{72} inch × F × G
ex CSS ex pc 12 TeX\TeXpt
mu 118\frac 1{18} CSS em dd 12381157\frac{1238}{1157} TeX\TeXpt
pt 172.27\frac 1{72.27} inch × F × G    cc 148561157\frac{14856}{1157} TeX\TeXpt
mm 1 mm × F × G nd 685642\frac{685}{642} TeX\TeXpt
cm 1 cm × F × G nc 1370107\frac{1370}{107} TeX\TeXpt
in 1 inch × F × G sp 165536\frac 1{65536} TeX\TeXpt
where: F = font size of surrounding HTML text10 pt\large \frac{\text{font size of surrounding HTML text}}{10\text{ pt}}
G = 1.21 by default, because TeX\TeX font-size is normally 1.21 × the surrounding font size. This value can be over-ridden by the CSS of an HTML page. For example, on this page, G = 1.0.

The effect of style and size

Unit textstyle scriptscript huge
em or ex \rule{1em}{1em} \scriptscriptstyle\rule{1em}{1em} \huge\rule{1em}{1em}
mu \rule{18mu}{18mu} \scriptscriptstyle\rule{18mu}{18mu} \huge\rule{18mu}{18mu}
others \rule{10pt}{10pt} \scriptscriptstyle\rule{10pt}{10pt} \huge\rule{10pt}{10pt}

See also the official documentation of KaTeX.

Rendering process

Blot uses KaTeX on the server side and does not require the visitor to enable JavaScript. However, it means that you cannot modify the behavior of the renderer. Blot uses the default configuration which is good in most cases. If you need to customize KaTeX or, perhaps, use MathJax or another rendering library, then first disable the server-side rendering in the settings of your site, then modify the template to add custom JavaScript. See developers section.

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  6. Formatting
  7. Set up site
  8. Reference

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