Link format
Each post is assigned a permanent link automatically. You can set the format of these links on the dashboard. If you change the link of a post, its old link will redirect to its new link automatically.
Example | Custom link format |
/title-of-the-post | {{slug}} |
/site/title-of-the-post | site/{{slug}} |
/2017/10/3/title-of-the-post | {{YYYY}}/{{MM}}/{{D}}/{{slug}} |
All the properties of a post that you can combine in your link format.
Token | Value |
{{name}} |
The file’s name in lowercase. |
{{name-without-extension}} |
The file’s name in lowercase without the file extension. |
{{path}} |
The file’s path in lowercase. A post’s link cannot be identical to the path to its source file so combine this with other properties. |
{{path-without-extension}} |
The file’s path in lowercase without the file extension. |
{{stem}} |
A URL-friendly version of the file’s path without the file extension. |
{{size}} |
The file’s size in bytes. |
{{created}} |
The file’s creation date, as a Unix timestamp. |
{{updated}} |
The file’s modified date, as a Unix timestamp. |
{{metadata}} |
An object containing the metadata keys and values specified at the start of the file. |
{{slug}} |
A URL-friendly version of the post’s title. |
{{slug-without-diacritics}} |
A URL-friendly version of the post’s title without diacritics. |
{{page}} |
True if the file is a page, false otherwise. |
{{menu}} |
True if the file is on your site’s menu, false otherwise. |
You can incorporate components of the post’s date. Here is limited selection of the most useful date tokens:
Token | Value |
{{YYYY}} |
Year, e.g. 1970 … 2030 |
{{M}} |
Month of the year, e.g. 1 2 … 11 12 |
{{MM}} |
Month of the year with a leading zero |
{{MMMM}} |
Month of the year, e.g. January … December |
{{D}} |
Day of the month, e.g. 1 2 … 30 31 |
{{DD}} |
Day of the month with a leading zero |
{{dddd}} |
Day of the week, e.g. Sunday … Saturday |
{{H}} |
Hour of the day, e.g. 0 1 … 22 23 |
{{HH}} |
Hour of the day, e.g. 00 01 … 22 23 |
{{h}} |
Hour of the day, e.g. 1 2 … 11 12 |
{{hh}} |
Hour of the day, e.g. 01 02 … 11 12 |
{{m}} |
Minute of the hour, e.g. 0 1 … 58 59 |
{{mm}} |
Minute of the hour, e.g. 00 01 … 58 59 |
{{a}} |
am or pm |
{{X}} |
Unix timestamp |
{{x}} |
Unix millisecond timestamp |
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