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The +Add new link button is broken for me

https://blot.im/sites/mysitename/template/magazine/links Won't let me add a new link. Not sure if I need to add the link through my pages folder instead, just trying to add a link to my main site. Thanks!

How would one go about implementing tufte-css?

I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)

robots noindex

Hi. I haven't played around with my Blot website for a while and don't currently want it appearing in search results while I work on another project. I'm using a customized version of the diary template. In the head.html file in my Dropbox Templates/diary folder, I've added the line <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> within the <head> </head> tags (and not commented out). But it's not appearing in the rendered HTML. I know from the question that I'm doing somethings stupid: can you tell me what? Thanks!

Analytics proxy?

Would it be possible for Blot to automate setting up a proxy for analytics script (as a safe-guard for add-blockers)? Or better yet, maybe some in-house analytics are in the workings? I currently use Umami as a simple privacy-focused self-hosted and cloud analytics and I keep wondering why wouldn't they just license the script to the third-parties like Blot to run along smoothly with the web-server itself.

Google Docs Markdown Support

This isn't a question, but I thought folks should be aware of the new markdown import/export capability in Google Docs. This seems like it could be useful to some Blot users who rely on Google Drive for sync.

Bug with new PayPal subscriptions

The error reads: "Stripe: I require argument "customerId", but I got: undefined" I also raised this via support email but not sure which one is checked more often?

Is there a Mustache template key for the request URL path available?

I'm looking to integrate GoatCounter's tracking pixel: https://www.goatcounter.com/help/pixel Per their docs, this looks like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/url-goes-here"> I'd like to be able to use Blot's existing templating logic to do something like: <img src="https://MYCODE.goatcounter.com/count?p=/{{req.url.path}}">

What have you made with Blot?

Anyone care to share the URLs to their Blot blogs here? I know David has a few listed in examples on the front page, but I'm sure there's many more. Would love to see others to follow (and gain inspiration!)... Here's mine: Along the Ray: https://alongtheray.com

Updated file pulled form dropbox, but the page hasnt been updated?

updated the file it got synced my page hasn't been updated even though blot has pulled the updated version. Tried to clear cache, doesn't seem to solve the issue. Updated file once again, it got synced, but the page, again, hasn't updated. Any suggestions how I can update the page/prevent this from happening?

Ordering posts?

Is there a way to set the order of posts? Maybe be pre-fixing filenames or something like that?

Images Paths

In the past when I create a draft I would put the post image in my main root Media folder that way when I moved the draft to the publish folder i did not have to change the image path. Recently its not working or I have formatted something incorrectly that I can not see The new console view shows Dependencies: /drafts/⁨_Media/bag.jpeg, My structure is as follows: Apps Blot Media Drafts Pages Posts 2024 2023 So my draft post references the path to the main root _Media file I have tried the following using standard MD image format starting with [ ] (⁨_Media/sample.jpeg)(⁨Blot/_Media/sample.jpeg)(⁨apps/Blot/_Media/sample.jpeg)(/⁨apps/Blot/_Media/sample.jpeg) Can you please point out what i am not seeing thanks

How do I add Webmentions to my site?

The title says it all. I'm currently using Commento as an external service.

How do I blockquote text in a Google Doc?

I'm trying Google Docs as my post editor ... I want to make a par of text appear as a blockquote, but attempts so far have failed. Tried using Google Docs support for Markdown, using a ">" character at the start of the paragraph, but that didn't work. Next, tried to use Google Docs built-in "indent" command, that didn't work either. Is there another way?

Posts not being updated from Google Drive

Lately, I'm adding new posts into Google Drive but the blot site doesn't update, previous time it took some many hours and the latest update still not being published. Is there any limitation of posts or what could be the reason of this large delay? Thanks

Search box on mobile on blog template?

In the Blog template, when I access the search, the border it's crossing the screen limit. Who can I fix this in the style CSS, please? Thank you!

Is there an issue with posting iframes?

I'm wanting to post a living Figma prototype, but I'm unable to get the iframe to render properly. Screenshot attached of what is displaying. Living Prototype Draft

Is there a way to increase the size of default photo for my website?

I'd like the default photo to be more prominent on my home page. Is there a way to increase the size? I know very little about coding and I didn't see this addressed elsewhere. Thanks!

Thumbnail image disappears from post/page after updating the original text file

A weird behaviour happens with large thumbnails for posts and pages. Take this test post for example. Here is the metadata included in the file txt file : Date: 26/05/2024 Summary: Du travail d'escroc Thumbnail: https://res.cloudinary.com/poirpom/image/upload/v1717446275/Tests/240603-9.jpg Slug: /encore-un-blog-post and here is the HTML code from the entry.html template : <div style="min-height:6rem;flex-direction:row;align-items:center;" class="flex mt3 pt3 "> <div class="w-100" style="margin-bottom: 2rem !important;"> <!-- Code supprimé et stocké dans FSnotes --> <div class="w-80"> <!-- suppression du pr4 --> <div class="hero"> {{{titleTag}}} <img src="{{{thumbnail.large.url}}}" style="min-width: 100%;min-height: 2px;background-color: #1D191E;margin-top: 20px;" /> <div class="summary">{{{summary}}} </div> </div> <div class="lh-copy" style="margin-top: 10px !important; text-align: right !important;"> <!-- bloc date et tags déplacés --> {{^page}} {{#date}}<a href="{{url}}" class="black-30 f5 no-underline"><span>{{#formatDate}}DD.MM.YYYY{{/formatDate}}</span></a>{{/date}} • <span class="black-50 f5">{{#tags}}<a href="/tagged/{{slug}}" class="no-underline">{{tag}}</a>{{^last}}, {{/last}}{{/tags}}</span> <!-- <hr class="intermediaire" /> --> {{/page}} </div> </div> </div> </div> I published the post — the thumbnail appeared just fine. if, for some reason, I update the text file of the post, save it, wait for blot to do its thing, then the thumbnail doesn't appear anymore on the page. Same happen with any blog post or any page. Each time I edit the content, thumbnail doesn't show up anymore. When I look at the inspector, src appears in the html code, but without any url (screenshot here). The only way i found to make the thumbnail image appear again is to regenerate all thumbnails through the reset your folder settings. (Which is no big deal, but kind of annoying). Is there something I am missing or doing wrong here ? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Is the analytics option broken?

Recently, I setup a new site and tried to enable analytics using CloudFlare. I followed the simple instructions and added the correct id. Had this setup for about a week before I realized I wasn't getting any data upon repeated testing. Figured it might be an issue related to Cloudflare, so I figured I'd then try google to see if that worked. New analytics v4 id in place, but google is reporting that the tag isn't detected. Double checked the pages source and things look correct. I verified this similarly with CloudFlare and it was there in the source as well. Help? Site is videostorecowboy.com

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