Formatting a custom date field?
Hello, I have a custom date field that looks like this: update: 2015-05-12. I've seen there are ways to format dates for built-in fields. Is there a way to do so for custom fields? Alex
Blocking AI bots?
Is there a best practice for blocking AI bots on a Blot site? I can include a robots.txt sourced from here: But that's very soft step. What else might I do? I saw that Cloudflare has an AI blocking feature, but I'm not sure if I can use Cloudflare with Blot: Any other ideas? Alex
Using the filename as a slug?
Hi there, I understand that I can set the "slug" metadata to change the slug to something other than a slugified version of a post's title. Is there a way to just default to using the filename? For example, if the filename is And the title is # How to write pithy slugs in 17 steps or more! I would like the slug to be pithy-slug. Alex
Proposed license change to Blot's source code?
Hello, I'm thinking about changing the license of Blot's source code. At the moment, Blot's source code is licensed under CC0, a public domain dedication that allows unrestricted use, modification, and redistribution without attribution or copyleft obligations. I am considering switching the license to AGPLv3, a copyleft license which requires that anyone who modifies and distributes (or provides network access to) Blot must release their modifications under the same license. This shift would prevent proprietary use of Blot's code and ensure that any derivative works remain open-source. Obviously this would only apply to new contributions going forward. Why? I'm developing one-click deployable containers to make Blot simple to self-host I anticipate there will be other people offering hosting services for Blot, especially in different countries / legal jurisdictions I want to ensure these services keep their source code public Please let me know if you have any objections, thoughts or questions.
HTML in custom metadata?
I have a line of HTML I need to set dynamically it may have one or two links and different wording Doing this fails, any suggestions? In the markdown page_footer: Back to <a href=/Weather>my local weather</a>. {{entry.metadata.page_footer}} Then displays as this plain text on the generated pageThe HTML shows, not a link Back to <a href=/Weather>my local weather</a>.
Unable to get custom metadata to show up
I've set custom metadata for one of my posts, as per this doc. In this case, it is for describing magic spells. The metadata is as follows: title: Magic Spell tags: spell date: 2023-01-16 isSpell: yes magicWord: boo Now, I want to have this custom metadata show up, only for posts where the isSpell: metadata is set to yes. So I've modified my entry.html template as follows {{#entry}} {{#metadata.isSpell}} {{metadata.magicWord}} {{/metadata.isSpell}} {{{html}}} {{/entry}} But when I go to the corresponding post, I can't see the Magic Word. I've added ?debug=true to the URL and I can see the metadata in the JSON, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
Image Gallery on an Ordinary Markdown Blot page?
Say I want to post a gallery of images on a specific blot page but am not using a gallery/artsy-type template that specializes in that sort of thing. Is it possible to do this in markdown or would I have to use some type of custom CSS or another type of fancy code?
Checking for home page?
How can I check in mustache if I'm on the homepage? I want to do something different on the homepage, but the same on entries and the archive page. So using {{#entry.title}}...{{/entry.title}} doesn't help me in this case. Alex
Showing all comments on the homepage?
I'd like my comments/box to appear under every post on the main page. My entry.html now looks like this: <div class="clear"></div> <section id="#Comments"> {{> pluginHTML}} </section> <div class="clear"></div> The comments appear on each entry if I visit it from the archive but not on the homepage.
How would one go about implementing Tufte CSS??
I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)
Does anyone have a good post to email workflow?
A couple of folk have asked me if I would send new posts to them via email. I'd love to do this, but don't have the energy for a big system setup or complicated workflow. Also clearly not worth a large amount of dollars, given the numbers and my focus. Has anyone done this in a simple fashion with blot?
We have folder syncing with iCloud Drive ready to go: You can switch an existing site over seamlessly. Blot will transfer your files across and you can pick up where you left off.
Linked title in teaser?
All my posts start with an H1 that provides the post's title. When using a teaser, is it possible to have the H1 link to the blog post?
How can I use markdown in custom metadata?
I'm trying to create a custom metadata field to credit image authors and I want to use Markdown to add links. However, the Markdown is not processed. The output is the contents of the field verbatim. Here's what I have (that doesn't work): Metadata image_credits: - '[Photo #1](https://www.example/1)' - '[Photo 21](https://www.example/2)' Template {{#metadata.image_credits.length}} {{#metadata.image_credits}} {{.}} {{/metadata.image_credits}} {{/metadata.image_credits.length}}
What new methods of syncing a folder would you like?
At the moment, Blot supports fours ways to sync a folder: Dropbox Google Drive Git iCloud We're currently working on adding others – which tools or services would you like us to support?
Would it be possible to use image title instead of alt text for the caption?
It appears you can set the title of an image like so. I'm wondering if there could be an option to allow using the title instead of alt text for the image caption. Could be a nice convenience over putting in HTML for a caption. Or is there already a good way to set a separate caption that I'm missing?
Simple lightbox zoom on images?
I've seen in some templates there's a simple magnifying zoom on images embedded in files/posts. I also read it is/was out of the box in the Blog template but can't seem to find it. How is that accomplished? For reference see images this provided example site:
Google Drive is working again
You'll need to log in and re-connect your folder to Google Drive on the folder settings page. I have finished the rewrite of the client which syncs Google Drive to Blot, avoiding Google's API shenanigans. Instead of asking you to go through the Google OAUTH login flow, the new client simply asks you to share a folder in your Drive with a specific email address. Since we're not using Google Drive's API in the same way, the new client doesn't require full access to your Google Drive, which is wonderful. There will be bugs with the new implementation, which I will fix. I'm hesitant to conclude with something along the lines of 'Sorry about this' because the interruption was entirely Google's fault.
Does anyone know of any templates or tools to support two different languages on the Blot website?
How can I display my Site Title alone as the Title for my homepage?
This is the most trivial thing, however, I have a homepage set with the metadata: Permalink: /and no matter whether or not I include (blank) Title: metadata, the page's title (in a browser tab) displays as '- [Site Title]'. All my other pages display as '[Page Title] - [Site Title]', so I get that this is the page looking for a page title, not finding one, but leaving in the hyphen delimiter. Is there a way to stop it doing that, and just display the [Site Title]? I can do it site wide by taking the '>' out of this line in head.html: <title>{{> title}}</title>, but that makes the title of every other page look weird. Any and all suggestions appreciated.
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