Linked title in teaser?
All my posts start with an H1 that provides the post's title. When using a teaser, is it possible to have the H1 link to the blog post?
How can I use markdown in custom metadata?
I'm trying to create a custom metadata field to credit image authors and I want to use Markdown to add links. However, the Markdown is not processed. The output is the contents of the field verbatim. Here's what I have (that doesn't work): Metadata image_credits: - '[Photo #1](https://www.example/1)' - '[Photo 21](https://www.example/2)' Template {{#metadata.image_credits.length}} {{#metadata.image_credits}} {{.}} {{/metadata.image_credits}} {{/metadata.image_credits.length}}
iCloud beta
We have folder syncing with iCloud Drive almost ready to go. We plan to open up folder syncing with iCloud to a small group of beta testers tomorrow. Please contact us if you'd like to join that group, there are a few spots left: We aim to release iCloud syncing to everyone who uses Blot on Friday, assuming the beta goes smoothly.
What new methods of syncing a folder would you like?
At the moment, Blot supports three ways to sync a folder: Dropbox, Google Drive and Git. We're currently working on adding others – which tools or services would you like us to support?
Would it be possible to use image title instead of alt text for the caption?
It appears you can set the title of an image like so. I'm wondering if there could be an option to allow using the title instead of alt text for the image caption. Could be a nice convenience over putting in HTML for a caption. Or is there already a good way to set a separate caption that I'm missing?
Simple lightbox zoom on images?
I've seen in some templates there's a simple magnifying zoom on images embedded in files/posts. I also read it is/was out of the box in the Blog template but can't seem to find it. How is that accomplished? For reference see images this provided example site:
Google Drive is working again
You'll need to log in and re-connect your folder to Google Drive on the folder settings page. I have finished the rewrite of the client which syncs Google Drive to Blot, avoiding Google's API shenanigans. Instead of asking you to go through the Google OAUTH login flow, the new client simply asks you to share a folder in your Drive with a specific email address. Since we're not using Google Drive's API in the same way, the new client doesn't require full access to your Google Drive, which is wonderful. There will be bugs with the new implementation, which I will fix. I'm hesitant to conclude with something along the lines of 'Sorry about this' because the interruption was entirely Google's fault.
Image Gallery on an Ordinary Markdown Blot page?
Say I want to post a gallery of images on a specific blot page but am not using a gallery/artsy-type template that specializes in that sort of thing. Is it possible to do this in markdown or would I have to use some type of custom CSS or another type of fancy code?
Showing all comments on the homepage?
I'd like my comments/box to appear under every post on the main page. My entry.html now looks like this: <div class="clear"></div> <section id="#Comments"> {{> pluginHTML}} </section> <div class="clear"></div> The comments appear on each entry if I visit it from the archive but not on the homepage.
Does anyone know of any templates or tools to support two different languages on the Blot website?
How can I display my Site Title alone as the Title for my homepage?
This is the most trivial thing, however, I have a homepage set with the metadata: Permalink: /and no matter whether or not I include (blank) Title: metadata, the page's title (in a browser tab) displays as '- [Site Title]'. All my other pages display as '[Page Title] - [Site Title]', so I get that this is the page looking for a page title, not finding one, but leaving in the hyphen delimiter. Is there a way to stop it doing that, and just display the [Site Title]? I can do it site wide by taking the '>' out of this line in head.html: <title>{{> title}}</title>, but that makes the title of every other page look weird. Any and all suggestions appreciated.
Adding a 'comments' link on the homepage?
I'm using Commento, but the problem is that it is lacking visibility. How could I add a "Comments" link under the post date on the left, on each post, on the main page? Thanks.
#all_tags stopped working?
I noticed in all my templates that use #all_tags they stopped working on both of my sites, returning blank results. I'm guessing something changed on the back-end? Is it possible this could be restored? It brings very useful capabilities. Example code: {{#all_tags}} {{#entries}} {{#tagged.liked}} <a href="{{metadata.source}}" target="_blank">{{title}}</a> → <br><dd>{{summary}}</dd><br> {{/tagged.liked}} {{/entries}} {{/all_tags}} Page it's used on:
Alt Text for Images?
I'm trying to make sure my site is ADA compliant. I have added "alt" text in my image embeds using markup but my site template isn't picking them up in every location that the image is shown. What do I need to add to my template to add them? Thanks!
Managing a "Files" Folder
Hi I have a folder called "Files" as a subfolder of my "Blot" folder, as instructed. This is where I'm dropping images etc. that I want to appear in posts. I'm only just getting started but it's clear that the contents of this single folder are likely over time to become a bit of a jungle. Does anyone who's been at this for a good while have any sage advice to offer about the best way to manage Blot "resources" before I get into a mess? What's best practice? Thanks, Q
Why would CSS reset after editing in browser?
I have been modifying my style.css sheet in Blot's template editor for the past few hours. I was using the Original template and modifying in Blot's dashboard interface. However, after a page refresh while editing the style sheet, I lost all changes I had been working on. Why would this happen? And how do I ensure this doesn't happen again?
Can I rename the local-edit folder of my forked template?
I forked a template to make my own, renamed it, and exported it to my Dropbox folder so I can edit it locally. The resulting folder is named after the template I forked ("empty-copy-template") instead of the name I gave it. Can I rename it? If so, do I need to keep the same style (all lowercase, dashes instead of spaces)? — Shy
How to edit templates locally?
Hey everyone, where can I find the option to edit locally? I duplicated several templates to try to find that option, even went through the site source to try to find it.
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