Adding a 'comments' link on the homepage?
I'm using Commento, but the problem is that it is lacking visibility. How could I add a "Comments" link under the post date on the left, on each post, on the main page? Thanks.
#all_tags stopped working?
I noticed in all my templates that use #all_tags they stopped working on both of my sites, returning blank results. I'm guessing something changed on the back-end? Is it possible this could be restored? It brings very useful capabilities. Example code: {{#all_tags}} {{#entries}} {{#tagged.liked}} <a href="{{metadata.source}}" target="_blank">{{title}}</a> → <br><dd>{{summary}}</dd><br> {{/tagged.liked}} {{/entries}} {{/all_tags}} Page it's used on:
Alt Text for Images?
I'm trying to make sure my site is ADA compliant. I have added "alt" text in my image embeds using markup but my site template isn't picking them up in every location that the image is shown. What do I need to add to my template to add them? Thanks!
Managing a "Files" Folder
Hi I have a folder called "Files" as a subfolder of my "Blot" folder, as instructed. This is where I'm dropping images etc. that I want to appear in posts. I'm only just getting started but it's clear that the contents of this single folder are likely over time to become a bit of a jungle. Does anyone who's been at this for a good while have any sage advice to offer about the best way to manage Blot "resources" before I get into a mess? What's best practice? Thanks, Q
Why would CSS reset after editing in browser?
I have been modifying my style.css sheet in Blot's template editor for the past few hours. I was using the Original template and modifying in Blot's dashboard interface. However, after a page refresh while editing the style sheet, I lost all changes I had been working on. Why would this happen? And how do I ensure this doesn't happen again?
Can I rename the local-edit folder of my forked template?
I forked a template to make my own, renamed it, and exported it to my Dropbox folder so I can edit it locally. The resulting folder is named after the template I forked ("empty-copy-template") instead of the name I gave it. Can I rename it? If so, do I need to keep the same style (all lowercase, dashes instead of spaces)? — Shy
How to edit templates locally?
Hey everyone, where can I find the option to edit locally? I duplicated several templates to try to find that option, even went through the site source to try to find it.
How to center an image in post?
Just what the subject says, I'm wondering how to center an image included in a markdown file. I know how to put them in the margins, change the size/scale, but wasn't sure if there was a simple way to do this on Blot.
Posting videos?
Is there any way to embed an MP4? When I do this it just shows a static image that does not play?
Permanently exporting a Blot site?
Say that I want to make a site once and for all, and then i want to keep it up without any serious updates. would there be a way to export the site and keep it that way? Blot is by far my favourite way to build a site, but I don't want to pay monthly for more than one or two sites forever
Restart your subscription option?
I (regrettably!!) clicked to cancel my subscription while looking at other website options, but decided ultimately to stay on Blot. However, when I try to click 'restart my subscription', it doesn't load anything or go anywhere. Is this an issue with Blot itself or on my end?
Adding tags to a post?
I've read all the documentation and I'm sure I'm being thick but I just can't get my posts tagged. I am just posting .md files via DropBox but how do I get the posts to have tags?
Issue linking from page to post?
In my About Me page, I link to a blog post. However, when I click on that link, it goes to an .md file viewed in the browser. I am sure I'm doing something wrong with wikilinks and maybe just need a redirect to Documentation. I'm also not sure if the space and commas in the file name are messing with it? I am using Obsidian and here is how it's written: Hello! I'm Benjamin Clover (formerly Saubolle-Camacho), an Associate Professional Clinical Counselor (APCC #14202) in the state of California. I made this blog after [deleting (most of) my social media](/Posts/Goodbye, accounts. This also happens with my link to my CV. I am also a clinician & program administrator for our county's First Episode Psychosis program. You can see more about my professional background in my [CV](/Pages/ Thanks for any help, Benjamin
Can you help me get Simple Analytics working for my site?
I am trying to get Simple Analytics working. On their website, they say I should insert a few lines of code into my webpage. But, when I am on and edit my template, there are several pages listed. Do I add that Simple Analytics code to the "entries.html" page, or to a different one?
Reverse the order of entries?
Is it possible to list {{#allEntries}} in reverse order—oldest at the top; newest at the bottom?
Three months without support
I'm sorry after three months without support and a broken site, I've decided to cancel the subscription and to try and look for an alternative. It's a pity because I like the unique simplicity of this publishing model—this is how the web should be for ordinary folks. Good luck.
How to activate SSL certificate?
Hi everyone. New user here. I tried searching but couldn't find this. My blog with custom domain does not have HTTPS. How can I enable this? Thanks !
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