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questions tagged ‘Meta’

Notifications for question answers?

I'm a big fan of this Questions section of Blot since it lets me try to find solutions to problems on my own before reaching out to the contact email or asking a new question. However, it's hard to keep track of questions and when they are answered. Right now, I make a task to follow up on the question's URL and then periodically try to run back down the list to see if anything's changed. Would you consider adding a 'notify me' feature that sends an email or something when a particular question gets a new answer? Ideally, I could "subscribe" to any question, even if I hadn't asked it, since there are topics others have brought up that I'm eager to learn more about. I guess I'm thinking of something like Discourse, which I've seen other places use, but maybe you don't want to go down that route.

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