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27 questions tagged ‘Templates’

Image in Margin on Magazine template?

I've seen several example sites where people put images in the margins next to their main body of text. Is this possible on the Magazine template? How would one go about adding a small thumbnail image next to a part of their markdown document? Example. Example; example

Change the color of the banner and text?

I like the minimalism of Blot so I don't wanna add much. Just would be nice to be able to change the color of the banner & text

Change the number of posts on the blog page?

Is it possible to adjust the number of posts to show on the blog posts page? For example, I want to show a link to "Older" posts less often.

Tables on the Magazine template?

Please add table support to the Magazine template, it doesn't display vertical lines. Or tell me what needs to be transferred from the Blog template, because they work there.

Blog entries and notes in the same site

I feel like Blot is capable of serving as place where I can both create blog entries and register notes. The first ones are more structured, and the second ones are the kind of things I've been using Obsidian to write. This being said, I wonder if there is a way, using template tags or any other Blot feature I'm still unfamiliarized with, to completely hide my posts tagged as #notes from the homepage, while still being able to access a list of them separately, by, say, clicking mysite.com/notes/ in the menu. What I'd like to achieve by doing this is to have a mix of digital garden/ wiki/ blog in the same site. Am I aiming too high? Thanks for any help.

Adjusting navigation on Portfolio template?

I'm not sure if either are possible, but here goes: When I click into a tagged set of pictures, could it just go straight to the full size of the first one? And then, when you're viewing a tagged set, can it not have navigation back to any images not using that tag? What I'm trying to do, as I remember indexhibit working, is to use tags to create static finished sets of pictures, and then anything not tagged goes under Posts as the main feed. But I don't want picture navigation between the two, especially as there is no title showing what tag you're viewing.

Is there a separate template for pages?

Is there a different template for pages? I'm seeing a partial double-footer on Pages, but not on Entries/Blogs posts. In the screenshot, the horizontal rules and the Kofi image are part of footer.html. On post pages only, the hr / and Kofi logo show up twice, but not the rest of the footer. Dropbox to screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8u4f1w9rjnnn3wq/_double-footer.png?dl=1

Experimenting with templates?

Hello – where can I play with templates and are there 3rd party templates that are free or pay?

Date formats not changing as requested

I know there's a question about time formats in the list below, I had something similar about date formats. When I've forked both Magazine and Blog templates there's a pull-down option to change the date format to Day/Month/Year, but the dates as shown on screen for each individual post always remain Month/Day/Year.

What have you made with Blot?

Anyone care to share the URLs to their Blot blogs here? I know David has a few listed in examples on the front page, but I'm sure there's many more. Would love to see others to follow (and gain inspiration!)... Here's mine: Along the Ray: https://alongtheray.com

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