RSS defined by YAML front matter?
I have been trying various ways to have an rss feed defined by a YAML category holding the information about the language in which the post is written. Is there a way to achieve this? I got it to work with tags but would prefer that category not to show as a tag. Any pointers will be much appreciated.
How can I connect Blot to a Codeberg repo?
Codeberg is an alternative to Github and can also be linked to Github. I would like to make my Blot website based on a Codeberg repo. How can I do that?
Incoming links from Medium rendering source files?
I created an "About" page on Medium ( with several inline links back to my Blot site notes. However, I noticed that all the links render as .md files, including the landing page of my site, which has never happened before. Is this a feature of how Medium handles outbound links, or is it a feature of Blot? I notice that medium adds ?source=parameters to the links... Has anyone linked to their Blot sites from Medium or perhaps had a similar experience with other platforms?
Sort pages by modified data / custom metadata
Hi! Is there a way to sort entries by modified date, or by some custom numeric metadata field in posts? For example, if I have something like: {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Home}} <li><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></li> {{/tagged.Home}} {{/allEntries}} Can I specify the order in which these entries appear? Even the ability to sort by modified date might be enough, since I can "touch" each file to put them in the correct order. Thank you!
Link format ignores settings?
I can't seem to make Blot use the filename (both {{name}} or {{name-without-extension}}) as default link — it keeps processing the file title. My folder has markdown files with yaml front-matter titles, I wish to use title: for page metadata, but I don't want the longer URLs or filling the parameters for link: for every file. Is this a bug? I tried to reset the folder - it didn't work.
Bluesky Embedding Support?
Hello, I'm an avid Blot user. I currently find the Twitter/X post embedding feature very useful for my writing on Blot. As I've recently started using Bluesky alongside Twitter, I was wondering if it would be possible to add support for embedding Bluesky posts, similar to how Twitter posts can be embedded. Given the steady growth in Bluesky's user base, I believe adding Bluesky post embedding functionality would be beneficial for many users. I would greatly appreciate it if you could consider this feature request. Thank you for your time.
KaTeX server side rendering?
Hey! I remember that it was possible to enable TeX server side rendering, but now I can't find this option under Publishing settings. Is this still available? Blot uses KaTeX on the server side and does not require the visitor to enable JavaScript
Issue editing site menu?
I see to edit the menu it's not under editing your template the website. However the section does not seem to be usable in the browser. Everything is all over the place and it's hard to click things because of odd alignments. Is there a way to edit menus when just editing a template locally?
List 5 most recent entries
I am working on a static homepage and part of that I would like to have a section where It just lists the 5 most recent posts with no summary. Output would be something like: TITLE posted on DATE I tried just getting list of all entries as a start but just showing blank area {{#recent_entries}} <p><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></p> {{/recent_entries}}
Template colors reverting?
I changed the 3 colors (background, nav background, accent) in the template on the web, but anytime I publish a change to a page it reverts. Any help?
Fallback thumbnail?
Is there a way to set a default thumbnail image that will be used for posts without an image attached?
Sitemap not getting fetched on Search Console.
When I'm trying to add sitemap to my search console, it's not fetching it. URL:
Creating a Drop Cap in the Blog Template
Just thought I would share what worked for me for those looking to do the same thing. Add to your CSS file. /* Drop Cap */ .entry > p:first-of-type::first-letter { color: #A52A2A; float: left; font-size: 3em; margin: .1em .1em .1em .1em; line-height: 0.85; }
Does anybody know of a good way to syncronise an iCloud folder with a Dropbox folder?
Blot connects (so far) only to Dropbox as data source. Some writing tools I work with only connect to iCloud. If I want to continue working with both, I would need a sync solution between an iCloud folder and a Dropbox folder. Does anybody know of some online services doing this?
About the MathJax integration
In my other note taking apps (iA writer, Obsidian) an inline formula would be written as $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$ and a display formula would look like $$\int e^{ikx}\mathrm dx = 2\pi\delta(x)$$. As in, single dollar sign gives inline formula and double dollar sign a display formula. Note that inline/display dichotomy does not affect only where the formula goes, but also how certain commands display (like the limits of sums and integration change). Additionally, the formulas in those other apps look much cuter, less angular and more smooth Is there a way to change this behaviour? I would like the writing experience to be as close as possible to my other apps (i do a lot of maths typesetting, and I plan to do it on the blog too).
New thumbnails for posts not generating/showing up
Hi there! The thumbnail generated for each of my posts was working until about March, such as this post, and then stopped working. Newer posts don't seem to be generating a thumbnail, and when I try to manually add the Thumbnail: to the metadata at the beginning of posts, neither URLs nor paths to files work. I'm using the Magazine template, but I tried other templates and similarly they don't show any thumbnails for newer posts. Is there still a way to re-generate thumbnails for posts? I found a previous question about this, but the link doesn't work anymore. This isn't a big issue, but the homepage looks much more engaging with images! Thank you. :)
Is there a way to embed one text file within another one?
I have a snippet of text I would like to appear in multiple places around my site. Is there a way I can 'include' it in the content of pages or reference it directly from a custom template? I know I could create a partial within my template but I'm trying (for now) to keep content and structure seperate.
Disable backlinks for Pages, but keep them for Posts?
I have an "about" Page, and a Post that links to it. At the bottom of the "about" Page, there is the Links here/backlinks section that appears at the bottom of regular Posts. I’d like to disable this for Pages, but keep it for Posts. I had a look through the entry.html template, and I can see the section that adds backlinks right above the section that adds pagination. Pagination is not shown on Pages, but backlinks are, but to my untrained eye, I don't see a difference between the way the sections for backlinks/pagination are set up in the template.
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