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Alt Text for Images?

I'm trying to make sure my site is ADA compliant. I have added "alt" text in my image embeds using markup but my site template isn't picking them up in every location that the image is shown. What do I need to add to my template to add them? Thanks!

2 months ago, 3 replies   images   Edit question

Hi, could you please clarify what type of image embeds you are using?

Generally, if you have an image as part of your template (rather than a post generated from a markdown file), then you'd have to edit the template's HTML code and add the "alt" attribute there.

To edit the template, go to Blog settings → Template (https://blot.im/settings/template), and click "Edit" on your current template. If there is no "Edit" button, it means you're using a stock template, so you'll have to first "Fork" it, then "Edit" the newly forked copy.

Answered 4 years ago · Edit answer

What with the push these days for accessibility, will there be a way to embed ALT text in images and pull it for image only posts?

Thanks, Ray

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

The file name should already be used as the alt text for posts generated from images – is this not happening on your site?

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

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