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Does anyone have a good post to email workflow?

A couple of folk have asked me if I would send new posts to them via email. I'd love to do this, but don't have the energy for a big system setup or complicated workflow. Also clearly not worth a large amount of dollars, given the numbers and my focus. Has anyone done this in a simple fashion with blot?

Adding a folder contents view to my template?

I'd like to offer access to files, the folder view from the dashboard is fantastic - is there a way I can have a public facing page like this?

Updated Blog theme has layout errors

(re-writing this as my first attempt was rushed and unclear) Since I last used it, the Blog theme appears to have been amended. The structure and CSS is different to that on another of my older Blot sites. The changes appear to introduce some issue that are consistent across multiple browsers and machines - for example content in the right margin is now positioned off the page and pagination text is positioned top-left over the top of itself. I assume these are theme errors because they're visible on the theme demo site too and differ from the screenshots provided. Has anyone identified the issue (although the HTML structure has changed, it looks like the CSS may be the issue here?) and / or is there a way to get the old theme to use, since the theme is unusable as-is.

RSS feed title customization for specific tags?

I use the below code for putting a unicode arrow after a title on the archives page for linkposts. Is it possible to add a similar customization to the feed.rss template so that the title would get the arrow in RSS reader apps? I want folks consuming the RSS feed to know there's a linked post to go read beyond my comments. I also have a YAML value for linkpost, if that somehow works better for this use case than the tag value. {{#allEntries}} <div class="row"> <div class="column left"> <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}} {{#tagged.linkpost}} &#x21FE; {{/tagged.linkpost}} </a> </div> <div class="column right"> <span class="smalldate">{{date}}</span> </div> </div> {{/allEntries}}

Metadata on Google Docs

I was trying to add the date and tags metadata info on to the Google Doc. The metadata shows up as text on the actual post. Does Google Doc based publishing support metadata?

Formatting in Google Docs not showing correctly in published posts

Simple formating such as titles in bold and quotes in italics are not appearing in published posts, despite being in source Google Doc. Also not all the "tags", which are in the Google Doc titles, are updating after being amended.

Change to directory name in Dropbox > Apps behind the scenes?

Is anyone else seeing that the directory in Dropbox > Apps is no longer named Blot, but is now named with the site name? I don't know when this changed, but could cause some issues for hard-coded scripts if folks have any of those. My dashboard still shows the following, but this could just be a bad artifact from the change. I don't mind it, personally, but thought I'd ask and surface the change here in case it caused any breakage for users: Dropbox > Apps > Blot

How to delete a link?

Apologies if, as I suspect, I'm missing something obvious, but how do I delete a link that's previously been created in the Your sites/[Site name]/Links part of the control panel? I can see how to add a new link and how to reorder them, but not how to delete a link that has previously been created. Thanks!

"/random" stick to the same link

I wonder why does the "/random" link stick to the same page from time to time? Is it just my site or anybody else got the same issue? I can't seem to understand the pattern because many times the page refreshes on each click but at times it gets stuck with one page.

Trying to upload a Wordpress export

I'm trying to upload an Export of a WordPress site, but I get an error that the "413 Request Entity Too Large". The file is 8.3 megabytes, which doesn't seem all that large. What is the max upload size?

Combining Blog & Album

Is there a way to combine two themes to have two types of posts? I’m running a blog (based on an older blog template) but I’d also like to show photos (or photo albums) akin to the Portfolio template. Is there a straightforward way to accomplish this?

Markdown in Google Doc?

Just started with blot and planned to use google docs as my editor. I guess markdown doesn't work within Google Documents, altough GD understands some md out of the box (e.g. # headline) I played around and couldn't get most of the formatting and features to work. I would really like to stay in gd (even with only md for formatting) for convenience and not need any additional txt editor. Anything I am missing, any settings in blot or docs? Working well: formating based on headlines and line breaks Working semi: links get routed through Google Search (see below); current date based on the doc (but no editing for a future/past pub date possible) Not working: any other formatting (tested: bold, italic, color); tags

Add support for Jupyter notebooks?

Hello - is there a nice workflow for this, or even better, will blot ever support a notebook file?

Is there a Mustache template key for the request URL path available?

I'm looking to integrate GoatCounter's tracking pixel: Per their docs, this looks like: <img src=""> I'd like to be able to use Blot's existing templating logic to do something like: <img src="{{req.url.path}}">

Unable to get custom metadata to show up

I've set custom metadata for one of my posts, as per this doc. In this case, it is for describing magic spells. The metadata is as follows: title: Magic Spell tags: spell date: 2023-01-16 isSpell: yes magicWord: boo Now, I want to have this custom metadata show up, only for posts where the isSpell: metadata is set to yes. So I've modified my entry.html template as follows {{#entry}} {{#metadata.isSpell}} {{metadata.magicWord}} {{/metadata.isSpell}} {{{html}}} {{/entry}} But when I go to the corresponding post, I can't see the Magic Word. I've added ?debug=true to the URL and I can see the metadata in the JSON, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Unable to set a landing page?

I think I followed the instructions properly, but I'm unable to set a landing page. I have a page where the first line is the following, followed by a blank line. Link: / But instead of setting that as the home page, it's creating a separate page called "Link: /"

{{last}} is not defined inside {{archives}}

I know {{^last}}{{/last}} does work on Blot in principle, considering this question. However, it does not seem to work with {{#entries}}, even though some templates try to make use of it. Specifically, I am talking about the "Index" template, which tries to do the following on its archives.html part: {{#entries}} <a class="archive" href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a>{{^last}}&nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;{{/last}} {{/entries}} In case of three posts in a single month, e. g. "abc", "def" and "ghi", I would expect the following to appear on the archives page: abc · def · ghi However, the {{^last}}{{/last}} block never seems to be executed, which leaves me with: abc def ghi (The spaces are probably added because of the line break in the HTML code.) I suspect that the items of {{#entries}} do not even have a last-property, which is why Mustache evaluates it to "false" (for all items)? Or is there some other problem? This happens with a freshly forked "Index" template, so I think it should work out of the box.

Edit date format selections not being applied correctly?

Is anyone else seeing this? Changing the date format in the 'edit template' screen allows me to select a different format, but the new format is: not applied to the preview not retained if I leave / return to this screen not applied to the live site (confirmed with debug function, where dateFormat in JSON remains original value) The template is unmodified and correctly uses {{date}}. Other changes in the edit template screen (such as font, font size and line spacing) are correctly applied.

Hide specific posts in Previous section?

Is it possible to remove irrelevant posts that have different tag variables in the Previous and Next post sections? For instance, a post with the tag "dog" should not display any posts with the tag "cat" in the Previous section. Here is my current solution: {{}} {{^}} {{previous}} {{/}} {{/}} However, this only solves half of the problem. If the previous post had the "cat" tag, then there will be a blank space in the Previous section. This is because it is a linear filter rather than an iteration loop. I'm looking for a better approach that not only blocks out irrelevant posts but also shows previous posts with the same tag.

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