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Backlinks to include pages?

I know backlinks on pages do work when posts reference a page...

But pages themselves aren't included in backlinks when they are linked to, whether from posts or other pages.

Is there a way to enable it so pages are included in the backlink queries?

I ask because I am putting my Zettelkasten into pages which is more suitable for that since I will be blogging on top of it.

Thanks,. Ray

2 months ago, 4 replies   bug   backlinks   Edit question

That sounds like a bug, which I will investigate, fix and follow up here about. Please let me know if you want me to send an email notification when it's fixed

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

I'll monitor the RSS feed here like I always do. Thanks for looking into it!


P.S. I would make it an option to include/exclude backlinks on pages (frontmatter perhaps?) so some pages it can be opted out of where not relevant or needed?

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

Seems something else just recently broke in the current backlinks function (maybe connected to the fixing of this bug?): Suddenly the {{#backlinks}} only returns one link vs. all matching results like it used to. Why might this be?

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

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