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35 questions tagged ‘Metadata’

Will changing link format break things?

For the past few years I've been using a {{YYYY}}/{{M}}/{{slug}} format for my links. I'm reconsidering not having that leading 0 for the month. What will happen to old posts if I change it to {{YYYY}}/{{MM}}/{{slug}}?

Empty summary metadata is rendered as the text 'null'?

By default, I include a "Summary:" line in post metadata. I don't always add a Summary, but if I leave it empty it renders {{summary}} as null in the template. I tried adding a conditional like so: {{#summary}}{{summary}}{{/summary}} ...but that still renders as null unless I remove the Summary line from the front matter completely. I'd prefer it if I could leave an empty Summary: value in the post metadata without it rendering as null. Possible?

Issue with rendering entry-specific metadata

Hello. Thanks for blot.im. It's peaceful. I am using the Blog template. I have a Markdown blog post under 001-building-my-own-webpage.md which has some custom metadata (including a Date) and is showing up fine on the website. This is the full metadata: Menu: No Tags: Tech, Web Development Link: building-my-own-webpage Date: 22-03-2024 Thumbnail: ../imgs/_banner_sgs_right_1.jpeg Pois: yeah Here's an extract of my entry.html <div class="entry"> {{#entry}} {{{html}}} {{#tags.length}} <div class="wide"> <hr class="minimal"> </div> <div class="left-label"> <h5>Tags</h5> {{#tags}} <a class="small tag" href="/tagged/{{slug}}">{{name}}</a> {{/tags}} </div> {{/tags.length}} <div> <p>Posted by {{metadata.Date}}</p> <p>Posted by {{metadata.Pois}}</p> </div> {{#date}} <hr class="minimal"> <div class="left-label"> <h5>Date</h5> {{date}} </div> {{/date}} While the tags show correctly, nothing else appears at the end of the entry: Image: https://i.imgur.com/Ze9NDVq.png Other symptoms which suggest something is not correct in entry rendering: RSS feed is empty, Archives > Newest also doesn't show any post. I feel I'm missing something simple, but can't quite put my finger on what. Let me know what else can help in troubleshooting. Thanks in advance.

Custom meta in feed.rss?

I've added custom meta to feed.rss without an issue before, but my recent attempt isn't working quite right. {{#metadata}} <figure> <figcaption>Listen:</figcaption> <audio controls src="{{audio}}"></audio> <a href="{{audio}}">Download audio</a> </figure> {{/metadata}} Where {{audio}} = the MP3's URL. The audio player is showing in the feed even when posts do not have {{audio}} custom meta data. Any suggestions?

Unable to get custom metadata to show up

I've set custom metadata for one of my posts, as per this doc. In this case, it is for describing magic spells. The metadata is as follows: title: Magic Spell tags: spell date: 2023-01-16 isSpell: yes magicWord: boo Now, I want to have this custom metadata show up, only for posts where the isSpell: metadata is set to yes. So I've modified my entry.html template as follows {{#entry}} {{#metadata.isSpell}} {{metadata.magicWord}} {{/metadata.isSpell}} {{{html}}} {{/entry}} But when I go to the corresponding post, I can't see the Magic Word. I've added ?debug=true to the URL and I can see the metadata in the JSON, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Enabling search for pages?

Is there a way to enable search for certain pages? I am talking about "user-defined" pages, i. e. stuff in /Pages or with Page: yes, not something like the archives page. Posts work perfectly, but pages, no matter whether they are stored inside or outside of /Pages, do not work, even with the following metadata: Search: yes Is this supposed to work somehow? Considering quite a few people use Blot for / as their "digital garden" / notes / information store, being able to search these pages would be very helpful.

Slug metadata not working?

Is the Slug metadata field new? I know I've wanted it for a long time and only just now noticed it on the Metadata page. Either way, it is not working as advertised. When I tested it on an old post where I had used the Link field to customize its slug, it just dropped the rest of the Link Format I had defined. Instead of domain.name/path/to/post/slug it loaded as domain.name/slug So it basically functioned the same as the Link field.

Sorting the posts in a [tagged] folder?

I have a bunch of images from a trip to Bali in a folder tagged [Bali]. I tried adding a markdown file in the same folder (tagged "Bali" in the meta data) in order to add a headline and some textual information. It is actually rendered, however, only at the end of the page underneath the images. Is there a way to push the text from the markdown file to the top of the page? I tried changing the date to be more recent than the images, but images seem to automatically have render priority.

Is it possible for a post's URL to be different from the post's title?

For example, a post title (and file name) is foo. Can the post URL be mysite.com/bar?

Use the first picture instead of the video as thumbnail?

If the post contains a video, the image from it is displayed as the cover of the post, regardless of the size of the other images. Please tell me how to choose the first picture in the post for the thumbnail. And also how do I mark the borders of the text, for display near the cover. I found a discussion on this topic but couldn't apply it to my template.

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