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questions tagged ‘Custom’

Issue with rendering entry-specific metadata

Hello. Thanks for It's peaceful. I am using the Blog template. I have a Markdown blog post under which has some custom metadata (including a Date) and is showing up fine on the website. This is the full metadata: Menu: No Tags: Tech, Web Development Link: building-my-own-webpage Date: 22-03-2024 Thumbnail: ../imgs/_banner_sgs_right_1.jpeg Pois: yeah Here's an extract of my entry.html <div class="entry"> {{#entry}} {{{html}}} {{#tags.length}} <div class="wide"> <hr class="minimal"> </div> <div class="left-label"> <h5>Tags</h5> {{#tags}} <a class="small tag" href="/tagged/{{slug}}">{{name}}</a> {{/tags}} </div> {{/tags.length}} <div> <p>Posted by {{metadata.Date}}</p> <p>Posted by {{metadata.Pois}}</p> </div> {{#date}} <hr class="minimal"> <div class="left-label"> <h5>Date</h5> {{date}} </div> {{/date}} While the tags show correctly, nothing else appears at the end of the entry: Image: Other symptoms which suggest something is not correct in entry rendering: RSS feed is empty, Archives > Newest also doesn't show any post. I feel I'm missing something simple, but can't quite put my finger on what. Let me know what else can help in troubleshooting. Thanks in advance.