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37 questions tagged ‘Metadata’

Is it possible to have commas in tags?

Is there a way of having commas in tags? Tried putting the tag in quote marks and escaping the comma but the terms either side of the comma always get separated out into separate tags. Thanks.

Metadata in markdown links?

Just wondering if there is any way to use metadata tags in markdown links? At the moment this markdown: ![caption]({{url}}_images/picture.jpg)` Becomes, this HTML: <img src="/%7B%7Burl%7D%7D_images/picture.jpg" alt="caption"> The brackets just get encoded. Can this be avoided? Or should I just use HTML to start with?

Site-wide custom metadata?

Is there currently a way to replicate Jekyll style site-wide metadata? I am trying to use Blot for my teaching materials and there are several bits of information (deadlines for papers etc) that need to appear in several different entries; being able to define them in a single (yaml/json?) data file and include them in the entry as, for example {{site.metadata.deadline1}} would be really useful. Thanks!

Specifying time in image posts?

When directly posting an image to Blot using the YEAR-MONTH-DAY File Name format, the time is always set to 12:00am. I wish to upload several images over several posts but in a particular order. Is there a method of naming an image file to specify a time (Say, 12:01, 12:02, etc) in order to achieve this?

Remove the date from posts?

I am trying to have a main page and want the date completely gone. How do I do it for a post?

Sort pages by modified data / custom metadata

Hi! Is there a way to sort entries by modified date, or by some custom numeric metadata field in posts? For example, if I have something like: {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Home}} <li><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a></li> {{/tagged.Home}} {{/allEntries}} Can I specify the order in which these entries appear? Even the ability to sort by modified date might be enough, since I can "touch" each file to put them in the correct order. Thank you!

Metadata placement

Is there a way to put metadata elsewhere in an entry, potentially at the bottom? Editors like Ulysses treat the first line of the file as the name which causes some issues when the first line is something like tags: example that might not be unique. Or alternatively, if you have any best practices on how to work around that it'd be very helpful!