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Metadata placement

Is there a way to put metadata elsewhere in an entry, potentially at the bottom? Editors like Ulysses treat the first line of the file as the name which causes some issues when the first line is something like tags: example that might not be unique. Or alternatively, if you have any best practices on how to work around that it'd be very helpful!

3 years ago, 1 replies   metadata   Improve this question

There is no way to put metadata elsewhere in an entry at the moment.

You could work around this by putting title metadata (or your own custom metadata) as the first metadata. This would make it easy to identify as the title is likely unique. For example:

Title: Growing tomatoes
Tags: gardening

# Growing tomatoes

Here is how to grow tomatoes.

I'm not opposed to supporting metadata elsewhere in the entry but it would need to have a strict syntax. I will follow up here if it becomes possible to do so โ€“ please contact us for an email notification.

As another strategy: try to avoid using metadata at all. If all you need to do is add tags, then you could set tags using the file's name or your folder structure. You can take a similar approach for dates.

Answered 3 years ago ยท Improve this answer