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Google drive

17 questions tagged ‘Google drive’

Google Drive is working again

You'll need to log in and re-connect your folder to Google Drive on the folder settings page. I have finished the rewrite of the client which syncs Google Drive to Blot, avoiding Google's API shenanigans. Instead of asking you to go through the Google OAUTH login flow, the new client simply asks you to share a folder in your Drive with a specific email address. Since we're not using Google Drive's API in the same way, the new client doesn't require full access to your Google Drive, which is wonderful. There will be bugs with the new implementation, which I will fix. I'm hesitant to conclude with something along the lines of 'Sorry about this' because the interruption was entirely Google's fault.

Google blocked Blot?

Google blocked blot so I cant connect to my drive and update my site. has this happened to anyone else and how did you get around it?

Error reconnecting to Google Drive?

The message i get is this: "This app is blocked This app tried to access sensitive info in your Google Account. To keep your account safe, Google blocked this access."

Posts not being updated from Google Drive

Lately, I'm adding new posts into Google Drive but the blot site doesn't update, previous time it took some many hours and the latest update still not being published. Is there any limitation of posts or what could be the reason of this large delay? Thanks

Thumbnails not working on Google Drive?

I upload images in Google Drive but instead of the thumbnail to appear in Photo template, it appears a number "1"

Where is Blot's folder in my google drive?

Blot has access and set up the first empty folder, but I can't find it in my google drive.

Markdown in Google Doc?

Just started with blot and planned to use google docs as my editor. I guess markdown doesn't work within Google Documents, altough GD understands some md out of the box (e.g. # headline) I played around and couldn't get most of the formatting and features to work. I would really like to stay in gd (even with only md for formatting) for convenience and not need any additional txt editor. Anything I am missing, any settings in blot or docs? Working well: formating based on headlines and line breaks Working semi: links get routed through Google Search (see below); current date based on the doc (but no editing for a future/past pub date possible) Not working: any other formatting (tested: bold, italic, color); tags

Images not showing in published posts created in Google Docs?

I am using the Magazine template and writing my posts in Google Docs. However, I cannot get any images to show in published posts, irrespective of whether I embed them in the doc itself or use Markdown (which I suspect isn't fully supported by Google Docs). I could write my posts in Notepad for Windows but again, I suspect that when uploaded to Google Docs it will mess things up. Any advice on how I can get images to display without giving up the convenience of Google Docs? Regards, Roger.

Google Drive Formatting

Using a hashtag for title, or using "Tag: " for tags doesn't register when I source my files from Google Drive. What formatting style should we use for Google Drive?

How do I get text on my homepage?

Not sure if it's an error on my google drive sync or if I'm just going about this wrong. I've been able to navigate through pages, blot doesn't support videos does it?

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