Markdown in Google Doc?
Just started with blot and planned to use google docs as my editor. I guess markdown doesn't work within Google Documents, altough GD understands some md out of the box (e.g. # headline
I played around and couldn't get most of the formatting and features to work. I would really like to stay in gd (even with only md for formatting) for convenience and not need any additional txt editor. Anything I am missing, any settings in blot or docs?
Working well: formating based on headlines and line breaks Working semi: links get routed through Google Search (see below); current date based on the doc (but no editing for a future/past pub date possible) Not working: any other formatting (tested: bold, italic, color); tags
It's not possible to use Markdown in Google Docs, you have to use their native formatting tools to add formatting to your posts, for now at least
Answered a year ago · Edit answerYou can consider connecting to your google account. It's an add-on that will open a .txt file, view it as markdown, and save it back to your drive. I'm still learning but hope this helps.
Answered a year ago · Edit answer
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