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What have you made with Blot?

Anyone care to share the URLs to their Blot blogs here? I know David has a few listed in examples on the front page, but I'm sure there's many more.

Would love to see others to follow (and gain inspiration!)...

Here's mine:

Along the Ray: https://alongtheray.com

18 days ago, 37 replies   templates   Edit question

I run a few sites on Blot:

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm a happy Blot user at https://HeyDingus.net

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I just recently moved my blog back to Blot: Baty.net. It's so great to be back.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Cool initiative !

I'm here : https://raphaelronot.com (pretty empty for now, but that will change soon)

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

You can get some Canned Dragons here.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Oatmeal is one of the more creative uses of Blot I've seen:


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

search-centric notebook + diary @lev.lc notes you need to be creative to search for something, but then there are tags and backlinks! edited right from Obsidian on my end

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Love the idea https://lev.lc.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Wonderful examples. Hope to see more...


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Hey! I have https://strangeleaflet.com which I really should make a cool style for sometime.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I host my photography portfolio on my Blot site: https://aliarby.com

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm blogging on https://blog.pifferi.info, still searching for new templates though.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I haven't settled on a domain yet (self-titled or something more fanciful), and I'm about 5% uncertain whether I want to go for a blog format instead, but here I am: https://chriswilson.blot.im/.

I would love at some point to create a webring for folks who use Blot.im.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I just have a personal site that I don’t update enough but love the service.

My Site

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Just hopping in to drop my blot blog: The Independent Variable.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Love the way you use CSS at The Independent Variable, humdrum!


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Some very nice examples here!

Been a happy Blot user for a few years now, publishing my own page at www.larsmensel.com — though the custom theme is based on an old Template that’s no longer around.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Love this! I'm blogging on thoughtsbyora.com

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Been a happy Blot user for years now. I just made a new thing. I started with the Magazine template but.. uh... it's kinda. Not.. anymore.


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I've just started with Blot. I have my photos and videos on here: https://mamotreco.com

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Long time Blot user (on and off, currently on!). I write about mindfulness and related info. I'm starting to dig deep into Futures Thinking, so expect some posts on that topic soon: https://wherelightgathers.com

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

Long time Blot user and fan. Now more than ever in combination with Obsidian a wikilinks support. https://5typos.net/

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

just moved our startup’s website over to Blot from Squarespace. lowers the barrier to making updates moving forward and also just cleaner and cheaper.


Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

I have a site with all my published texts:


Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

A site I write about my faith and contemplations. Some random stuff here and there.


Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

I run my own personal blog (https://coquille.nootilus.com/) (fr) for which I’m laking writing free time.

I also run a kind of repository of the sessions for my short stories writing workshop I run (almost) each thursday (https://scribulerie.nootilus.com/) (fr).

Anyway, thank for the good work, dudes!

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

I use Blot for https://kjvscripturejournals.com and https://jeremysarber.com

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

I'm using Blot for https://tangiblelife.net

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

I just migrated my website to Blot and I love it: https://iamfran.com

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

Hi all! https://www.chrbutler.com

Answered 7 months ago · Edit answer

i use blot as a photography site half portfolio but also as a photo dump for my street photography: https://www.jonathanch.in/

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

Love seeing these. http://inhab.it is my long-running thinking space, running on blot for quite a few years now.

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer

I dropped my main blog in here awhile ago, but thought id drop in the newsletter/zine ive been building: https://foofaraw.press
The blog is on Blot and I use Buttondown to send the newsletter.

Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer



Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer

getting started on my personal website and blog using blot


love the KaTeX functionality to typeset maths!

Answered 4 months ago · Edit answer

Just added another Blot site Noggin as an accompaniment to my personal blog (also on Blot at Along the Ray) which focuses more on the business side of life.


Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

Nothing. I signed up and can't make a site. Can't get hold of support.

Answered 18 days ago · Edit answer