Embed/add Youtube video in a post
Within a post, I want to embed/add a Youtube video in such a way that it can be played right in the post, without going to Youtube. Please let me know how to achieve this. Thank you! I'm using a forked Blog template.
If you copy and paste the URL to the YouTube video into the post, Blot will replace it with an embedded player. Does that help?
Answered 3 years ago · Edit answerOh that's neat! Sure, will give that a try and let you know if I face any issues. Thank you!
Answered 3 years ago · Edit answerThis method doesn't appear to work with Google Drive docs. When I post the text for the url of a youtube video it just shows the url, not an embed for the video.
Would be great to have this feature for Google docs!
Answered a year ago · Edit answerGood catch, I will add support for this to the Google Docs converter and follow up here
Answered a year ago · Edit answer
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