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145 questions tagged ‘Developers’

How to hide text if it's the homepage

I'd like to hide a link on my homepage. I thought using the below conditional on the page variable would work but it didn't work and the text is hidden everywhere. Any ideas? {{^page}}The text I want to hide.{{/page}}

Thumbnails on index pages?

Is there a way to display the thumbnails on ~/page/1? I'm using a variation of of the Blog template, but I want my homepage to not be the list of blogposts, so instead I have a link to https://www.patternsthatabide.xyz/page/1 on the top bar. So it'd be cool if it displayed thumbnails there.

Can a Layout tag be applied to image posts via the template?

I'm using the Magazine template for a photoblog. For posts with multiple images, I create a Markdown file with image embeds and a float right {>>} tag on square or landscape images so they are displayed in a similar size as portrait images. However, when posting single images directly, I'm unable to add those tags since there's no Markdown. Is it possible to add the applicable .css class to square and landscape ratio image posts through the template directly? Two examples links from my site: multi image post vs single image post

Analytics not working?

Analytics tracking doesn't seem to work? I tried selecting Heap and entering the ID and full script but neither work?

Cloning entries.html?

Is it possible to clone entries.html by creating a new file in the template, naming it 'blurbs.html' and copy/pasting the code from entries.html? I would also change what appears in the entries vs blurbs pages based on tags. I'm just not clear if this behavior is supported. I have seem other posts doing a similar thing with tagged pages, but the format hoping to achieve for blurbs is just like entries.html where those posts only show up when you visit the /blurb URL.

Remove certain tagged posts from #next

Hello. I have this block of code in entry.html. Is it possible to not show posts with a certain tag inside of next? {{#next}} <div class="up-next"> <p class="small small-caps last-updated">up next</p> {{#thumbnail.medium}} <div class="up-next-thumbnail"> <img src="{{{url}}}" width="256px"> </div> {{/thumbnail.medium}} <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a> <p class="up-next-summary">{{summary}}…</p> </div> {{/next}}

Showing the most recent entry with a tag?

I'm trying to display the first post in a custom page "writings.html" but if I use the {{#first}} it doesn't show anything. Could you help me? {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.Writings}} {{#first}} <header class=" centered-content"> <a href="{{url}}"><h1>{{title}}</h1></a> <span class="date"> {{#formatDate}} Do MMM YYYY {{/formatDate}} </span> </header> <section class="writings centered-content"> {{{body}}} </section> {{/first}} {{/tagged.Writings}} {{/allEntries}}

How to avoid showing the hamburger?

Hi! I'm using the Photo template, how can I avoid showing the menu nav hidden under the hamburger on mobile? And keep showing the links as I don't have too many. Thanks!

Template Sharing URL change?

If I share my current active template, does the URL break if I make additional changes to the template after the Share is initiated?

How to display the day of publication?

I have a template that presents entries by month and in that {{month}} {{year}} metadata works. But for each blog entry I want to include the day the blog was published. So if it was publised on the 20/4/2024 then just 20 would be returned. {{day}} would seem the logical construct but it does not work. I also can't find in the documentation where it says {{month}} & {{year}} are up to be used - if I could find that list, hopefully it might shed more light on all this. Thanks as ever.

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