135 questions tagged ‘Developers’
Translate the months on my template?
Maybe there is a way to name the months personally, by manually entering new names for each month. Or immediately change the language in which the names of the months are displayed in the posts, without changing the format. If possible, I am interested in both options. I understand that it should be done in script.js, but I don't know what to add and on which line. Tell me please.
Hide Cusdis comments
Hi! I've setup Cusdis comments on my blog by adding their widget in my entry.html file. I have a standalone page that acts as a landing page for a newsletter of this blog and I'd like the comments to be hidden on this page. I've tried declaring "Comments: no" in that page's metadata, but it didn't work. Is there a way to have Cusdis be understood by the markdown metadata?
Restricted/Dynamic content through the template?
Not a developer, programmer or anything, but I thought something may be possible if I'm not misunderstanding how Blot works or missing anything... Since everything is public as rendered from the template on the server, could it be possible to use a system of conditional templates or template-based functions based on metadata of the file to restrict access to a page or show context-depending data (like user information)? I mean, coding a script with a call to some authorization service or similar API in a template, a script that would be conditionally used either as part of a page included in another template or doing something like having a template for a whole page to show only private content, that would be used depending on the presence of some metadata or not used if such metadata is not present? For example, using a whole-page template or part of a template for conditional/private information to be shown as part of the rendered page if an "access" metadata field is not false or has a certain value. Would it be possible? Would whatever is rendering the template receive data from an API and could it be done in a secure way (like with an HTTP-only cookie restricted to the same domain if hosting the API on a subdomain), without anything being exposed in any way? Or is it impossible or insecure?
Tables on the Magazine template?
Please add table support to the Magazine template, it doesn't display vertical lines. Or tell me what needs to be transferred from the Blog template, because they work there.
Adding a folder contents view to my template?
I'd like to offer access to files, the folder view from the dashboard is fantastic - is there a way I can have a public facing page like this?
Adding image slides to posts?
Is it possible to have slides of images in a post? I use magazine template
Page link as animated button?
Hi! I'd like to create a page for my blog, where the button to open the page includes javascript code to make it flash red and yellow. I have the code, only I don't know how to use it to individually effect the appearance of one of the page-buttons … is there a way to achieve this through the metadata?
RSS feeds per tag?
Apologies if it's been asked but are there (or can there be?) dedicated RSS feeds per tag? It would be nice to have these split out to triage posts out to different services automatically.
Getting started with Open Graph?
I would like to modify my template to add the <meta> tags required by Open Graph. Could you provide information, articles, tips, or known issues related to correctly setting up open graph data for shared posts?
Is there a way to get first few posts with a certain tag?
I would like to customize my template so the home page has a couple sections that show the first 3 posts of a couple different tags. So far I have {{#all_entries}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{title}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{/all_entries}} But I'm not sure if I'm able to limit all_entries or access certain elements of the array with Mustache. Also, is there a way to combine inverted sections? Like if I want to filter out multiple tags from all_entries?