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RSS feed title customization for specific tags?

I use the below code for putting a unicode arrow after a title on the archives page for linkposts. Is it possible to add a similar customization to the feed.rss template so that the title would get the arrow in RSS reader apps? I want folks consuming the RSS feed to know there's a linked post to go read beyond my comments. I also have a YAML value for linkpost, if that somehow works better for this use case than the tag value.

       <div class="row">
            <div class="column left">          		
                  <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}
              <div class="column right">
                  <span class="smalldate">{{date}}</span>

a year ago, 2 replies   developers   rss   tags   Edit question

Yes, you'll want to inject the conditional tag into your RSS feed's source file which is generally called feed.rss:


Does that help? Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

This is exactly what I was hoping was the answer. I didn't want to implement it on assumption and cause issues to the feed. Thank you!

Answered a year ago · Edit answer