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Hide specific posts in Previous section?

Is it possible to remove irrelevant posts that have different tag variables in the Previous and Next post sections?

For instance, a post with the tag "dog" should not display any posts with the tag "cat" in the Previous section.

Here is my current solution:


However, this only solves half of the problem. If the previous post had the "cat" tag, then there will be a blank space in the Previous section. This is because it is a linear filter rather than an iteration loop.

I'm looking for a better approach that not only blocks out irrelevant posts but also shows previous posts with the same tag.

a year ago, 2 replies   developers   Edit question

I'm also interested in an answer to this.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Could you take advantage of the CSS :empty pseudo class to hide any element affected?

The filtering power within the template engine is fairly limited at the moment, although this is something I'd like to gradually improve

Answered a year ago · Edit answer