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145 questions tagged ‘Developers’

Tables on the Magazine template?

Please add table support to the Magazine template, it doesn't display vertical lines. Or tell me what needs to be transferred from the Blog template, because they work there.

Adding a folder contents view to my template?

I'd like to offer access to files, the folder view from the dashboard is fantastic - is there a way I can have a public facing page like this?

Adding image slides to posts?

Is it possible to have slides of images in a post? I use magazine template

Page link as animated button?

Hi! I'd like to create a page for my blog, where the button to open the page includes javascript code to make it flash red and yellow. I have the code, only I don't know how to use it to individually effect the appearance of one of the page-buttons … is there a way to achieve this through the metadata?

RSS feeds per tag?

Apologies if it's been asked but are there (or can there be?) dedicated RSS feeds per tag? It would be nice to have these split out to triage posts out to different services automatically.

Getting started with Open Graph?

I would like to modify my template to add the <meta> tags required by Open Graph. Could you provide information, articles, tips, or known issues related to correctly setting up open graph data for shared posts?

Is there a way to get first few posts with a certain tag?

I would like to customize my template so the home page has a couple sections that show the first 3 posts of a couple different tags. So far I have {{#all_entries}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{title}} {{#tagged.SomeTag}} {{/all_entries}} But I'm not sure if I'm able to limit all_entries or access certain elements of the array with Mustache. Also, is there a way to combine inverted sections? Like if I want to filter out multiple tags from all_entries?

How to change /tagged to /tag or /category?

Can't find the answer in How to or Questions..

How to make images appear larger on the entry page in Portfolio template?

I'd like my images to appear larger on the screen when one clicks on them from the grid. I'm using the portfolio template, and couldn't achieve the result by playing with any of the template edit sliders. The images themselves are quite large (2000x long edge) and opening them in a new tab shows them much larger than they are on the entry page. I also tried uploading full-resolution 6000x4000 images and their size did not change. Thanks

Featured Sticky Posts are paginated?

I love the ability to feature posts and make them sticky through custom metadata which I've added to my template e.g. Sticky: yes Rest of post here... However, one issue I've found is that pagination unsticks the posts. As soon as they have gone off of the front page, they are no longer sticky. Is there any way to change this? Thanks!

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