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128 questions tagged ‘Developers’

How would I include the page summary in the post body?

So I always create a summary for every post, this is within the front matter of each post and is used for the description with the HTML meta. I also use this summary as a line of intro text for every post. At the moment, I copy/paste the summary into the body of the post, but it would be nice if this was rendered automatically at build. I've tried including {{{summary}}} in the body, but it doesn't render. How would I get the summary to render in my posts?

How do I work with external contractors?

I'd like an external contractor to update the templates and CSS of my site to provide a new design that is beyond my capabilities to implement. How do I work with them? My ideal would be to have a locally hosted version of my site that I could collaborate with the contractor via github and PRs. Is that an option? Or something like it? I don't want to just give them the password to my Blot account and let them go to town.

Is there a way to use frontend JS frameworks?

I've already tried implementing javascript into my blog posts which works perfectly, but I'm curious if there's a way to also use frameworks so that we don't need to write vanilla JS all the time. Specifically I'm thinking of things like React, Svelte, or MDX. My use case is that sometimes I like having interactive components within my blog posts that may take an input from earlier up in the post and cascade the changes throughout the other components in the post.

Disable pagination?

I noticed that even when I don't use pagination in my template, typing /page/1 .. /2 .. etc. produces the pages with some result (depending on what's in the template). It's not a big deal, but I wonder if there is a way to disable pagination all along? I tried to create a redirect rule "/page/(.*)" > "/" but it didn't work out either

Recent entries filtered by tag?

I seems odd to me that I can easily filter "all_entries" array with "tagged.TagName" but I can not do the same with "recent_entries." If I use the combination inside a template it will output all "TagName" tagged entries within the last 30 entries. I guess the other option is "truncate" the output, but I couldn't find how to do that in the template language reference. I understand that there is a script option, but I'm already hacking too many things on blot with scripts and it's getting dangerous (( {{#all_entries}}{{#tagged.TagName}} <<-- how to limit output ? to X entries --| <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a> {{#tagged.TagName}}{{/all_entries}}

Lazy loading on images?

Wondering if anyone has figured out a way to introduce lazy loading for images? I know we can add loading="lazy" in the HTML, but I'd like a way to do it in Markdown, so I don't have to write out all the HTML for every image. When my site was based on Jekyll, I could use Kramdown and add {: loading="lazy"} after the image to add the required flag. But nothing like that exists AFAIK with Blot. Do any of you have any ideas please? I'd like to avoid introducing JS if at all possible. Thanks!

Hide or show certain sections depending on metadata?

I'm wondering if there's a simple way to hide a section from a page template if a certain metadata is specified. A bit like with Menu: No which hides a page from the navbar. I'd like to create a Hero Image: No which would disable the top image on a blog post. Your help is much appreciated :)

Choose different fonts for blog posts and site title/site menus

I'm new to Blot and have a question regarding font customization. I'd like to use different fonts for my blog posts (incl. blog title and body) and the title & menus of the blog. I forked an existing template but the font picker applied the new font to all the text in the blog. I dug around the source code but couldn't figure out how to achieve it.

Add page description to RSS feed?

So in my site's head I've added {{> description}} which will take the summary field from my front matter and add it to the page's HTML meta. I'm trying to create a second RSS feed that, instead of containing the entire post contents, I'd like to have the page description from the meta and a link to the post. This is so I can use to automatically crosspost a summary, rather than the entire (poorly formatted) post. So I've tried adding the following to my RSS file, but it isn't working: <description> <![CDATA[ {{#encodeXML}} {{{description}}} {{/encodeXML}} ]]> </description> I've also tried {{> description}} and {{{summary}}} but none are working. How do I add the page description to this RSS feed? Thanks.

Dynamic image for a Twitter Card for each post / permalink

I'm trying to work out a way to generate a unique twitter card for each of my posts, so when an article / permalink is shared on socials it gives a summary based on the first couple lines of the post and uses the first image in the post as the preview image. Currently I have a share card coming up with the text part of the preview but can't work out how to incorporate the image into it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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