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Custom path for posts overview?

Hi, I'm looking to move the overview of posts to a subpath (/photos) and have a custom page act as the landing page. I'm using a (minimal) fork of the portfolio theme, but I'm happy to change if that's necessary.

I can't find any rewrite rules or anything of the sort, and while I can create a custom page to hide the native index (posts overview) page, I don't know how to then resurface it in under a custom path.


10 months ago, 2 replies   developers   Edit question

After more investigation I've found the entries.html page which seems to contain the master template for the landing page. Concretely, I would love to change the URL that routes to entries.html.

This would presumably allow me to create multiple different copies, each only displaying different entries with separate tags?

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer

It's not possible to change the routes for any of the template views right now. I want to make it possible to use the paginated list of entries on any template view – this is a feature I will add.

For now, can you override the landing page, by creating a new template view and setting its URL to "/"? And then link to /page/1 for the list of entries?

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer