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Three months without support

I'm sorry after three months without support and a broken site, I've decided to cancel the subscription and to try and look for an alternative. It's a pity because I like the unique simplicity of this publishing model—this is how the web should be for ordinary folks. Good luck.

Importing posts from Micro.blog?

Hi. I am on microblog and am interested in finding the easiest way to export my posts and images. Micro.blog offers a markdown export but they also offer a few others like Wordpress WXR. I anticipate the easiest would be the markdown export and then edit the posts especially with images. Has anyone exported microblog posts into blot? Thanks!

Remove certain tagged posts from #next

Hello. I have this block of code in entry.html. Is it possible to not show posts with a certain tag inside of next? {{#next}} <div class="up-next"> <p class="small small-caps last-updated">up next</p> {{#thumbnail.medium}} <div class="up-next-thumbnail"> <img src="{{{url}}}" width="256px"> </div> {{/thumbnail.medium}} <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a> <p class="up-next-summary">{{summary}}…</p> </div> {{/next}}

Any plans for an iCloud Drive client?

I know a Google Drive sync tool is in the works, but I was wondering if it would be feasible on iCloud and if there are any plans to develop this alternative to Dropbox.

500 Internal Server Error

Is the server down now? New post uploading and template editing keep failing.

Is there a way to embed one text file within another one?

I have a snippet of text I would like to appear in multiple places around my site. Is there a way I can 'include' it in the content of pages or reference it directly from a custom template? I know I could create a partial within my template but I'm trying (for now) to keep content and structure seperate.

Fork unsupported templates?

I am just getting started with Blot and would like to fork an unsupported template. I've previously tinkered around with that but recently with the changes to the blot site, I'm finding myself unable to access the "Fork" button on that Unsupported Templates page. The only button available to me is the "Preview" button. Is anyone experiencing the same? Does anyone know of a workaround? I would like to preview and fork specifically the Essay Old and Essay Two templates.

How to hide 'digital garden' posts from front page?

Hi! Is it possible to hide 'digital garden' posts from my front page? I want to only show blog-style posts, but my 'evergreen' digital garden posts are also appearing on the front page. I want to be able to link to digital garden posts, but not show them on front page or in archive. Thanks!

Error when I save my CSS on the template editor?

There seems to be an issue with modifying stylesheets. Every time I try to save changes to a css file (in any of my themes), I get this: 500 Internal Server Error Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Useful Shortcuts.app recipes?

Are you willing to share any Shortcuts you use to simplify your publishing workflow?

Use images from custom host instead of thumbnails

I'd love to use blotcdn for all my images for its convenience, but I find it extremely slow and unstable to access in mainland China if internet proxy not used. Therefore, I have to host all my images on a domestic cloud server, and embed them one by one in separate markdown files. For each individual post/entry, it works fine. However, the Portfolio template I'm using, still generates thumbnails from the embedded images and host them on blotcdn for the homepage and archives. I checked the fitted-grid.html file and tried to modify the and but have no idea what property should I refer to. Is there a way to use the original images from my cloud server for all the pages (homepage, archives, etc.)?

Embedding the file's updated date?

Is there something I could put into the markdown of an entry to get the Updated date for that entry? I know I could maintain a date in the metadata, but I was wonder if there is some tag or whatever I could use to have that date automatically set with the last save date of the markdown file.

Only show tags with a minimum number of posts?

Is there a way to show a list of tags only if there's a minimum number of posts (say three) tagged as such? I'm looking to do this to show a list of tags without cluttering it up too much and only showing those with a minimum number of tagged posts. Thanks. Ray

Titles of pages in the header

I've set up pages as explained, in a Pages folder, but the titles are not the file names, but rather the first sentence of the files, like a post excerpt.

Recent Entries not working

So I have a markdown file where I want to show some recent entries at the end. According to the reference, this should work: {{#recent_entries}} <p><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a><br> {{#date}}<span itemprop="datePublished" content="{{dateStamp}}">{{date}}</span>{{/date}}</p> {{/recent_entries}} But it doesn't, unfortunately. I just get a blank space where the recent entries should be. :( Also, the reference says it shows the 30 most recent posts. That's too many for my needs. Is there a way to limit that to 5? Thanks!

Add dark mode to magazine template?

How can I add dark mode (based on device settings) to the magazine template? I can't figure it out because colors are defined in the template editor settings. Much appreciated, Ray

What to do with HTML files that are duplicating md files?

Most – though not all – of my blog posts, which are written in md, appear to have an html equivalent. The filename is exactly the same, just with the html extension, e.g. filename.md has a filename.md.html twin. What is causing this and what should I do now to clear out the current html files and in the future to stop them appearing in the first place? I'm using Git to sync my posts, if that makes any difference. Thanks.

What's your folder structure?

How do you personally handle Drafts, Images, Files, etc., in terms of workflow? I'm thinking of the following: /Drafts (initiate all writing here prior to sliding into /Posts or /Pages for publication) /Files (other than images) /Images (all images and graphics) /Pages /Posts /Templates Do you personally underscore Folders or individual files?

How to set a custom 404 error message?

I would like to check if we can set custom 404 messages? Thank you.

How would one go about implementing tufte-css?

I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)

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