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To Title or Not to Title

I found something intriguing: Some of the Blot templates render the title of a blog entry (as you can set it in the metadata) nicely as a heading, others don't do so. For example Isola renders it, but Magazine doesn't. So for Magazine you would need to repeat the title as na explicit Markdown heading. This might be desirable -- or not so. In any case the inconsistency makes it hard to switch between templates. So my question now is: What's the standard here? Is there even a wider standard beyond Blot?

Adding a 'comments' link on the homepage?

I'm using Commento, but the problem is that it is lacking visibility. How could I add a "Comments" link under the post date on the left, on each post, on the main page? Thanks.

Can't remove post

Despite removing the file and ensuring it's gone from the Google Drive folder, I can't seem to get rid of a duplicate blog post. I've tried the "Fix your folder" option as well.

Filter posts out of RSS feed based on tag?

Is there a way to not include posts with a set tag in the RSS feed?

Is Blot abandoned?

It's been over a week since I posted questions and emailed support for migrating my blog from Wordpress. I have since begun migrating it over manually but this lack of presence of support for this long has me concerned I may have made the wrong move coming here.

"Failed to acquire folder lock"

I've been getting this error when I try to sync Dropbox, change to a different client, or reset my folder, but this message in orange prevents from doing anything. Is there a fix?

Align blog title and subtitle with blog avatar

I've selected to show the blog avatar on the header. And I also added a subtitle/tagline to the blog title. But the problem is that the blog title is vertically center-aligned to the blog's avatar. So there remains a gap between the title and the subtitle. You can see this currently on my blog. How can I make the blog title and subtitle margin/padding/alignment work independent of the avatar/header's? I want to be able to align the blog title and subtitle with respect to the avatar but as per my requirement. And also be able to control the spacing between the title and subtitle. I edited many elements in style.css but nothing worked. Kindly help with this, thank you! For everyone's ref, I had previously asked around adding a tagline or sub-heading to the blog.

A post that won't go away

I added a post and then deleted it, yet it still shows on my blog. I've cleared cache and tried other browsers. The post .md file is gone from the Dropbox folder, and gone from the web view of my blog folders, yet still it remains. Actually, two copies of it appear on the blog. Ideas?

Blog template

There's a preview/demo page for the blog template that you've put up recently that has some design capabilities I'd like to play with, especially the images and text hanging in the right column, and the potential for full width content. Are they things that are enabled in the template already, or do I have to add some code to make them work? Thanks.

A bookmarklet to help with link blogging

How the tool works: navigate to a website, click the bookmarklet, enter your caption and recieve a text-file. For example, let's say you visit example.com and press the bookmarklet. You'll recieve a text file called Example.txt containing the following: [Example](http://example.com) Your caption here How to install this bookmarklet Make a new bookmark in your browser (right-click on the bookmarks bar and click Add Page...) For the "Name" you might put "Save link". Copy the code block below, paste this into the "URL" or "Location" of the new bookmark. javascript:(function () { var caption = window.prompt("Would you like to add a caption?"); if (caption === null) return; var textToSave = `[${document.title}](${window.location.href})\n\n${caption}`; var textToSaveAsBlob = new Blob([textToSave], { type: "text/plain" }); var textToSaveAsURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(textToSaveAsBlob); var fileNameToSaveAs = document.title + ".txt"; var downloadLink = document.createElement("a"); downloadLink.download = fileNameToSaveAs; downloadLink.innerHTML = "Download File"; downloadLink.href = textToSaveAsURL; downloadLink.onclick = (e) => document.body.removeChild(e.target); downloadLink.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(downloadLink); downloadLink.click(); })();

Add description to tag?

Is there a way to add a description to a tag so that when viewing domain.com/tagged/tagname a block of text could be included?

Formatting a custom date field?

Hello, I have a custom date field that looks like this: update: 2015-05-12. I've seen there are ways to format dates for built-in fields. Is there a way to do so for custom fields? Alex

Checking for home page?

How can I check in mustache if I'm on the homepage? I want to do something different on the homepage, but the same on entries and the archive page. So using {{#entry.title}}...{{/entry.title}} doesn't help me in this case. Alex


We have folder syncing with iCloud Drive ready to go: https://blot.im/how/sync/icloud You can switch an existing site over seamlessly. Blot will transfer your files across and you can pick up where you left off.

How to display post title on home / entries page?

I was able to get the title to display on the entry itself by adding this line to the top of the entry.html template: <h1>{(entry.title}}</h1> However, on the home page where all entries are shown, there's no titles, which makes it hard to tell one post from another. How can I add the titles to the entries page too?

Importing posts from Micro.blog?

Hi. I am on microblog and am interested in finding the easiest way to export my posts and images. Micro.blog offers a markdown export but they also offer a few others like Wordpress WXR. I anticipate the easiest would be the markdown export and then edit the posts especially with images. Has anyone exported microblog posts into blot? Thanks!

Remove certain tagged posts from #next

Hello. I have this block of code in entry.html. Is it possible to not show posts with a certain tag inside of next? {{#next}} <div class="up-next"> <p class="small small-caps last-updated">up next</p> {{#thumbnail.medium}} <div class="up-next-thumbnail"> <img src="{{{url}}}" width="256px"> </div> {{/thumbnail.medium}} <a href="{{{url}}}">{{title}}</a> <p class="up-next-summary">{{summary}}…</p> </div> {{/next}}

Any plans for an iCloud Drive client?

I know a Google Drive sync tool is in the works, but I was wondering if it would be feasible on iCloud and if there are any plans to develop this alternative to Dropbox.

500 Internal Server Error

Is the server down now? New post uploading and template editing keep failing.

Enabling search for pages?

Is there a way to enable search for certain pages? I am talking about "user-defined" pages, i. e. stuff in /Pages or with Page: yes, not something like the archives page. Posts work perfectly, but pages, no matter whether they are stored inside or outside of /Pages, do not work, even with the following metadata: Search: yes Is this supposed to work somehow? Considering quite a few people use Blot for / as their "digital garden" / notes / information store, being able to search these pages would be very helpful.

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