Only show tags with a minimum number of posts?
Is there a way to show a list of tags only if there's a minimum number of posts (say three) tagged as such? I'm looking to do this to show a list of tags without cluttering it up too much and only showing those with a minimum number of tagged posts. Thanks. Ray
Titles of pages in the header
I've set up pages as explained, in a Pages folder, but the titles are not the file names, but rather the first sentence of the files, like a post excerpt.
Recent Entries not working
So I have a markdown file where I want to show some recent entries at the end. According to the reference, this should work: {{#recent_entries}} <p><a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a><br> {{#date}}<span itemprop="datePublished" content="{{dateStamp}}">{{date}}</span>{{/date}}</p> {{/recent_entries}} But it doesn't, unfortunately. I just get a blank space where the recent entries should be. :( Also, the reference says it shows the 30 most recent posts. That's too many for my needs. Is there a way to limit that to 5? Thanks!
Add dark mode to magazine template?
How can I add dark mode (based on device settings) to the magazine template? I can't figure it out because colors are defined in the template editor settings. Much appreciated, Ray
What to do with HTML files that are duplicating md files?
Most – though not all – of my blog posts, which are written in md, appear to have an html equivalent. The filename is exactly the same, just with the html extension, e.g. has a twin. What is causing this and what should I do now to clear out the current html files and in the future to stop them appearing in the first place? I'm using Git to sync my posts, if that makes any difference. Thanks.
What's your folder structure?
How do you personally handle Drafts, Images, Files, etc., in terms of workflow? I'm thinking of the following: /Drafts (initiate all writing here prior to sliding into /Posts or /Pages for publication) /Files (other than images) /Images (all images and graphics) /Pages /Posts /Templates Do you personally underscore Folders or individual files?
How to set a custom 404 error message?
I would like to check if we can set custom 404 messages? Thank you.
How would one go about implementing tufte-css?
I really like the look of tufte-css, available at github, but feel a bit intimidated about implementing it using Blot and the available templates. Does anyone have suggestions? (A dream would be if it became an available template out of the box…)
How do you generate a sitemap.xml?
How do you generate a sitemap.xml to add to Google Search Console?
Email subscriptions?
I don't believe there's a built-in way for folks to subscribe to new blog posts via email. Is that something on the roadmap? Or does anyone know of a relatively easy third-party solution?
Multi-file posts syntax?
We plan to add support for merging multiple files into a single post on Blot. My question for you is, what should the syntax be? We need to indicate that a subfolder's files should be merged into a post, rather than become individual posts. Let's say you have a folder full of pictures of your trip to Italy. How should you indicate that instead of individual posts, per image, they should be merged into a single post automatically? A few options which come to mind: (Pictures from Italy) Pictures from Italy (album) Pictures from Italy -- -Pictures from Italy- {Pictures from Italy} Pictures from Pictures from Italy > Pictures from Italy @\Pictures from Italy #Pictures from Italy # Pictures from Italy Pictures from Italy & Pictures from Italy + + Pictures from Italy A few constraints: use safe, cross-platform characters make the resulting folder good to look at make it non-language specific if possible (i.e. don't depend on english words) There's more information about multi-file posts on GitHub, but please feel free to share your thoughts here on there. I'm writing the underlying code required for the feature at the moment, and the syntax can be adjusted down the line before release.
Different styles for different pages?
I was wondering if it would be possible to use the 'Blog' template for most of my website, whilst also having some pages on my website using the 'Portfolio' template. Is this possible? How can it be done if so?
About the MathJax integration
In my other note taking apps (iA writer, Obsidian) an inline formula would be written as $f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)$ and a display formula would look like $$\int e^{ikx}\mathrm dx = 2\pi\delta(x)$$. As in, single dollar sign gives inline formula and double dollar sign a display formula. Note that inline/display dichotomy does not affect only where the formula goes, but also how certain commands display (like the limits of sums and integration change). Additionally, the formulas in those other apps look much cuter, less angular and more smooth Is there a way to change this behaviour? I would like the writing experience to be as close as possible to my other apps (i do a lot of maths typesetting, and I plan to do it on the blog too).
How to add a new view with a tag as parameter
I want to add a second template page similar to the tagged pages, so I added in package.json: "views": { "tagged2.html": { "url": "/tagged2" "partials": { "title": "...", "description": "..." } }, ... } However this merely defines a URL without parameters. That's why gives a 404. So how can I define a new view/template page which accepts a tag name as parameter?
Metadata in a markdown file
If I have something in my YAML front matter, can I display that in my post? This does not seem to work when placed in the markdown file. Date: September 15th, 2022blah: Apple {{metadata.blah}}
How to omit some tags from all_tags?
I know I can show all blog tags with all_tags in the side area of my blog site. Is there a way to omit some tags from this list? (The omitted tags I'd rather like to list as (manually added) page links - as broad categories.)
Possible to filter tags from lists of tags
Trying to conceptualize how to set up my portfolio site and I was wondering if it's possible to return a more refined list of tags than either {{#all_tags}} or {{#popular_tags}}. Specifically, I'd love to be able to display a list of tags that are subhierarchical to a tag folder they reside in. Using examples from the docs, let's imagine a site set up like: [Pictures]›[Sicily] [Pictures]›[Venezia] [Essay]›[Roma] And calling {{#all_tags}} {{tagged.Pictures}}... would return the tag links [Sicily] and [Venezia] (which could be used to generate categorical navigation links as in the nav of the portfolio theme which is the base of the fork). Is there a different way to approach this or is a function similar to this possible?
Adding Commento on the main page
I'm using Commento, but the problem is that it is lacking visibility. How could I add a "Comments" link under the post date on the left, on each post, on the main page? Thanks.
Tags page as homepage
I'm using the magazine template and would like to turn my tags page (/tags) into my blog's landing page (homepage). Is it possible?
PDF Support
Hello, any idea when PDFs would be supported? It is really difficult to save web pages while keeping formatting, various content, etc. on iPad or iPhone (Share/Save to Dropbox). Many thanks!