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Email subscriptions?

I don't believe there's a built-in way for folks to subscribe to new blog posts via email. Is that something on the roadmap? Or does anyone know of a relatively easy third-party solution?

5 months ago, 6 replies   posts   email   Edit question

Some email newsletters have the ability to poll your site’s RSS feed for new posts and send ‘em out like Buttondown (https://docs.buttondown.email/advanced-features/rss-automation), Beehiv, Mailchimp, etc.

This is how I do it for my blog using a self-hosted Sendy.co instance.


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I believe that Buttondown now has this feature built-in.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Do love Buttondown, highly recommend.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Thanks everyone! I’ll give Buttondown a shot until Blot has a native solution.


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I also found Feedrabbit to be a great solution! You can give it an RSS feed and email address, and it'll send you each new post as an email. If you want to use it on your site for visitors to follow by email, you can get a link with your RSS feed already filled in.


Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Update on this topic here

Answered 5 months ago · Edit answer