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Use images from custom host instead of thumbnails

I'd love to use blotcdn for all my images for its convenience, but I find it extremely slow and unstable to access in mainland China if internet proxy not used. Therefore, I have to host all my images on a domestic cloud server, and embed them one by one in separate markdown files.

For each individual post/entry, it works fine. However, the Portfolio template I'm using, still generates thumbnails from the embedded images and host them on blotcdn for the homepage and archives.

I checked the fitted-grid.html file and tried to modify the and but have no idea what property should I refer to.

Is there a way to use the original images from my cloud server for all the pages (homepage, archives, etc.)?

10 months ago, 6 replies   cdn   performance   china   Edit question

"Cache and optimize images" option already turned off in my setting.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Would it help performance within China if I made it possible to route the requests through your own custom domain (e.g. example.org/_thumbnails/XYZ.png) instead of blotcdn.com?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I don't think it helps, since I registered the domain on Cloudflare, which by default uses Cloudflare CDN by default and restricts the modification of the servernames of the website. and, it's still very slow through direct access in China. I do plan to migrate though.

Currently I just restore the images on a separate cloud server other than on my domain, and embed them in each post. But for thumbnails I don't know if there's a better way.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Would it solve the problem to simply have the means to point a seperate domain that you control, not via Cloudflare, to Blot's CDN at the DNS level? Or is the performance issue in China deeper than that?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Oh, yes. That should work. Thanks for that!

The domain I have control is percysong.com, and the domain whose thumbnails need to be forked is percassion.com. Any other information do I need to provide then?

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Excellent, thanks, I'll follow up here when this is possible

Answered 10 months ago · Edit answer