Titles of pages in the header
I've set up pages as explained, in a Pages folder, but the titles are not the file names, but rather the first sentence of the files, like a post excerpt.
I found that if I have a graphic at the beginning of a page, then the correct title displays in the header. But that shouldn't be a requirement, should it?
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerBlot uses the file name as a title of last resort – please set the title at the very start of the file, in the metadata, like so:
Title: Your title here
Answered 2 years ago ·
Edit answer
Ah, I thought the file name was the title. That's good; that means I can have filenames that aren't full titles.
Which takes precedence: the Title: metadata or a #header?
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerRe file names and titles. I use iA Writer, and since it auto-saves files based on the # Title, or, if not, on the first sentence, if I use metadata first, I have to change the file names. I created a new draft file with Draft: Yes as the first line, and it saved the file with that name. Not very helpful when I look at the files in my folder... ;-)
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answerRe file names and titles. I use iA Writer, and since it auto-saves files based on the # Title, or, if not, on the first sentence, if I use metadata first, I have to change the file names. I created a new draft file with Draft: Yes as the first line, and it saved the file with that name. Not very helpful when I look at the files in my folder... ;-)
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer