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Hide Cusdis comments

Hi! I've setup Cusdis comments on my blog by adding their widget in my entry.html file. I have a standalone page that acts as a landing page for a newsletter of this blog and I'd like the comments to be hidden on this page. I've tried declaring "Comments: no" in that page's metadata, but it didn't work. Is there a way to have Cusdis be understood by the markdown metadata?

RSS feeds per tag?

Apologies if it's been asked but are there (or can there be?) dedicated RSS feeds per tag? It would be nice to have these split out to triage posts out to different services automatically.

Hide a post from the front page but show it in the archives?

I'm using the blog template. I have certain posts (RPG session summaries!) that I don't want showing on the front page, but I don't mind showing up in the archives list. Right now, these posts have the metadata: Page: yes Menu: no …as I saw mentioned in this question. However, when I do this, the posts are not listed on the archives page, and when viewing them from a tag page, no dates are shown. Essentially, I think what I'd want is a way to publish a post normally, but simply not have it show on the front page. Is this possible?

Lazy loading on images?

Wondering if anyone has figured out a way to introduce lazy loading for images? I know we can add loading="lazy" in the HTML, but I'd like a way to do it in Markdown, so I don't have to write out all the HTML for every image. When my site was based on Jekyll, I could use Kramdown and add {: loading="lazy"} after the image to add the required flag. But nothing like that exists AFAIK with Blot. Do any of you have any ideas please? I'd like to avoid introducing JS if at all possible. Thanks!

Hiding the title of my posts on Micro.blog?

I'd like my posts to have no title at all. On my blot page, there is no title but when imported into micro.blog, the first line appears as the title. Is there a way to remove the title altogether so it doesn't appear elsewhere?

Add page description to RSS feed?

So in my site's head I've added {{> description}} which will take the summary field from my front matter and add it to the page's HTML meta. I'm trying to create a second RSS feed that, instead of containing the entire post contents, I'd like to have the page description from the meta and a link to the post. This is so I can use Micro.blog to automatically crosspost a summary, rather than the entire (poorly formatted) post. So I've tried adding the following to my RSS file, but it isn't working: <description> <![CDATA[ {{#encodeXML}} {{{description}}} {{/encodeXML}} ]]> </description> I've also tried {{> description}} and {{{summary}}} but none are working. How do I add the page description to this RSS feed? Thanks.

Dynamic image for a Twitter Card for each post / permalink

I'm trying to work out a way to generate a unique twitter card for each of my posts, so when an article / permalink is shared on socials it gives a summary based on the first couple lines of the post and uses the first image in the post as the preview image. Currently I have a share card coming up with the text part of the preview but can't work out how to incorporate the image into it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Specifying the thumbnail for social media?

How can I ensure that the first image in my post is displayed as the default image when sharing the link on social media?

Posts with no title

For some of my entries I want to have a title, for some of them I would prefer not to have one. I modified the Blog template with {{#title}} <h1>{{title}}</h1>{{/title}} and I thought that would solve my problem. I.e. if the post didn't have a title then there would be no title shown, but Blot uses the file name as a title if there is not title in the frontmatter. I tried having an empty title, i.e. title: but then the title became "null". Is it possible to have some entries to have no title?

Bridgy Fed Support on Blot

Hi all. I would like to implement brid.gy fed support on my blog. I have had webfinger working before but the instructions here are a bit different and I am unsure how to do this. This lets my blog be its own fediverse end point rather than tie it to some mastodon instance which I have left for a variety of reasons. Here's the support link from brid.gy. I am unsure how to accomplish this on blot or if its possible even: https://fed.brid.gy/docs#redirect+these+URL+paths Thanks for any help! BTW, I am still active on Pixelfed. Just not on mastodon. This is not a requirement for me. Just a fun to have optional thing to learn.

Last row of images is larger in Portfolio template?

Is there any way to not have the last row of images be larger than the rest? Happy to change code if you can point me in the right direction. You can see it in the example preview of the Portfolio template: https://preview-of-portfolio-on-bjorn.blot.im/

Issue with JavaScript in my post?

I've picked up blot because I really like taking notes in Obsidian, and your site seemed like an amazing alternative to their publishing service, really enjoying it so far. I use quite a few javascript extensions in my notes, things like Mermaid.js and most recently jTab for Guitar Tablature. I was wondering if there was a way to incorporate these into my posts? I've converted a markdown (.md file) to HTML, and have the requisite javascript calls in the header of the file, but it seems no matter which way I try to get the calls to jTab working, it never does. Just viewing the .html file in browser everything renders as expected, but not in the post on blot. Is there just no support for Javascript in your HTML files? Or is there some other backend thing I need to do to get things working? I'd really like to not have to snip seperate pictures of everything I have rendered in my notes through JS stuff, as I'll probably end up having quite a bit as my post count grows.

Escaping template variables in posts?

I am writing a post to share some setting, seems the variables will be disappeared if there is a conflict of template. Here's what I have on iA Writer and this is what it looks like after rendering by Blot.

How to make a citation appear as (Author YYYY)?

At the moment a citation of the form [@reference] renders as Author (YYYY) but i would prefer to have it as (Author YYYY). Is there a way to do this?

Linking a citation to the bibliography

How difficult would it be to have this feature? When I enter [@citation] in my post, the resultant text is a link within the page that sends you down to the bibliography.

Display image caption?

How do I get markdown to display an image caption?

How do I display a teaser from the content of a post?

I have searched the documentation and the questions here, but I have not found an answer to the question. If I have a post, and I want to display an excerpt (teaser) for it on the list of posts (using the Diary template), how do I accomplish this without having to duplicate post content in the metadata section? I have tried a variety of combinations of the {{{teaser}}} and {{more}} special tags in my post content but nothing seems to work. I simply want to know how I can flag the first paragraph of the post as a teaser. Thanks for any help you can provide.

HTML Widget not rendering but works in CodePen

In CodePen the HTML snippet draws the widget with correct information, but when I paste the code to my Markdown page nothing renders. I can see the code is written on the page via Developer Mode, but it's getting a 400. The widget is from Literal.club and it has the following code: <div id="literal-widget" handle="<MY_HANDLE>" status="IS_READING" layout="list"></div> <script src="https://literal.club/js/widget.js"></script> I've used Substack iframes and they work fine.

Search Returns Random Stuff?

Why, when I search for a word does it return random posts that don't contain that word? e.g.https://blog.tyro.me/search?q=deadhttps://blog.tyro.me/search?q=bubba

Constant error with Google Drive setup

Even with clearing cookies etc. different browsers, flushed DNS and router restarts

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