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Make navigation visible on mobile?

I've just switched to the Blog theme and like it quite a bit. Just one problem: The navigation bar isn't completely visible on mobile & my title (which, to be fair, is too long) partially hides the content. See here. Is there any quick CSS tweak to achieve something similar to how my old theme worked, putting the title on top & the navigation links in several rows below as needed? See here to see what I mean.

Adding bigfoot.js to custom template

I am using a custom template and would like to add the bigfoot.js plug in. I saw that the magazine template includes it but cannot figure out how to install it from scratch.

Creating a website with a static landing page

I'm in the process of redesigning my website. The idea is to create a static portfolio as a landing page, which has a link to take the user to the blog. When I try to change the entries.html URL in the package.json file to point to another URL (E.G: /articles) the page does not load any entries. I tried to use the ?debug=true option and discovered that entries don't get added in the returned json object. I could use the all_entries tag, but then I will lose the pagination. Another thing I tried is to create a new view and calling entries from there, but that didn't work either. Any thoughts?

Making wide images

Just curious as to how you insert an image (stand alone or in a. blog post) that renders as a wide image as in the example in the video? Can this be done in markdown or html so the image extends beyond the edge of the text column ? Thanks in advance!

Custom Domain Help

I'm having some trouble linking my blot.im site with my custom domain. Usually www.example.com works, but if I omit the www. it goes to 'Server Not Found'. Do you know what may cause that issue and how to fix it? Thank you!

Why isn't my site on Google?

I've just created my blog with Blot and when I search for my name, my URL or some content on my site, Google simply doesn't find anything. Can you help me in anyway?

Float Text around and image

Has anyone gotten the CSS correct to float and image left or right using the magazine template? I have made a few attempts but either I break something else or not displayed correct. Basically want to wrap text around an image on a post

Embed/add Youtube video in a post

Within a post, I want to embed/add a Youtube video in such a way that it can be played right in the post, without going to Youtube. Please let me know how to achieve this. Thank you! I'm using a forked Blog template.

Copyright Notice

How can I include a copyright notice on the footer of my blog?

Thumbnails on social media?

I would like an image used in my blog post to appear when I share the post on Twitter, or Facebook.

The +Add new link button is broken for me

https://blot.im/sites/mysitename/template/magazine/links Won't let me add a new link. Not sure if I need to add the link through my pages folder instead, just trying to add a link to my main site. Thanks!

Getting a list of pages without using menu

I'm struggling to do something with a template that I thought would be easy but is turning out to be harder than I thought. Specifically, I'm trying to create pages (not posts) for projects that I've worked on in the past. I don't want these to be in the site's main menu, so I'm hiding them with Menu: no, as instructed. However, in doing this I seem to completely lose the ability to surface the page elsewhere. As far as I can tell pages themselves can't be embedded into other pages, and I'm unable to get an index to this now hidden page at all. I also tried instead making all the projects their own posts but in a hidden folder, but ran into the same issue. Them being hidden fully excludes them for being accessed in any list. Additionally, I was surprised to find that #all_entries doesn't return any pages, even if the page is visible. The IsPage key in the object made me think this wouldn't be the case, but alas. What would be nice is if there was a way to just get a list of pages for the site. I think you could implicitly exclude pages in that list that state Menu: no, but could also provide an override like InPageList that would allow pages to be hidden from the global menu but able to be indexed elsewhere.

Org-Mode image syntax?

How would I use an image in an org-mode file. Traditionally, I'd do something like [[file:clock.png][clock]] but it seems like that's not working.

Specify the width of a markdown image?

I'd like to change the size of an image in one of my posts. Can I use the following syntax from Jekyll? ![Caption](/path/to/_image.jpeg){width="250"}

Generate a list of tags?

How can I create a page that just lists the tags that are being used? Is it possible for it to be auto-updated as well? For reference I'm using a forked version of Essay 2.

Analytics not working?

Analytics tracking doesn't seem to work? I tried selecting Heap and entering the ID and full script but neither work?

Change the number of posts on the blog page?

Is it possible to adjust the number of posts to show on the blog posts page? For example, I want to show a link to "Older" posts less often.

Remove capital letters from article titles?

What to change in the template, in which file and which values, so that every word in the article titles does not start with a capital letter. I want either an exact reproduction of the letters as in the document, or that only the first letter should be capitalized, as in a normal sentence.

Updated Blog theme has layout errors

(re-writing this as my first attempt was rushed and unclear) Since I last used it, the Blog theme appears to have been amended. The structure and CSS is different to that on another of my older Blot sites. The changes appear to introduce some issue that are consistent across multiple browsers and machines - for example content in the right margin is now positioned off the page and pagination text is positioned top-left over the top of itself. I assume these are theme errors because they're visible on the theme demo site too and differ from the screenshots provided. Has anyone identified the issue (although the HTML structure has changed, it looks like the CSS may be the issue here?) and / or is there a way to get the old theme to use, since the theme is unusable as-is.

Slug metadata not working?

Is the Slug metadata field new? I know I've wanted it for a long time and only just now noticed it on the Metadata page. Either way, it is not working as advertised. When I tested it on an old post where I had used the Link field to customize its slug, it just dropped the rest of the Link Format I had defined. Instead of domain.name/path/to/post/slug it loaded as domain.name/slug So it basically functioned the same as the Link field.

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