The Bigfoot footnotes in Magazine template are great. littlefoot might be easier to inject into my template but I need guidance. I can't try my tests because Blot is no longer synching since I switched to Google Drive. kitz
Intro paragraph only on first page
I have not configured a static landing page and would prefer not to do so, but I've put a short intro paragraph greeting visitors to my site above my list of entries. Is it possible to have that paragraph only appear on the first page, not on the subsequent pages containing older entries? I know I could set up a static landing page alternatively, but then there's limitations to showing the list of entries on the same page right?
Date format not being respected
I've noticed that the date format I've set in 'Analytics, comments, typography > Date and time' is not being respected. I have it set to 'Day-Month-Year', but posts on my site are still presented with the date in 'Month Day, Year'. Can anyone give me an idea what I should be looking for in the source code that defines the date format? (I realise this will be somewhat template-dependent, and I've modified mine so much over the years that I honestly forget which it was originally forked from, Rosa maybe?)
Home Page Grid on Portfolio
I'm trying to create multiple grid for each tag instead of a single grid but when I try filtering with a tag it doesn't render images. Here's where my entries.html files is at: {{> header}} <div class="entries"> {{#allEntries}} {{#tagged.nuvu projects}} {{#thumbnail.large.url}} <a class="post photo" href="{{{url}}}" style=" max-width:{{thumbnail.large.width}}; max-height:{{thumbnail.large.height}}; width:calc({{thumbnail.large.width}}px*{{thumbnail_size}}/{{thumbnail.large.height}}); flex-grow:calc({{thumbnail.large.width}}*{{thumbnail_size}}/{{thumbnail.large.height}})"> <i style="padding-bottom:{{thumbnail.large.ratio}}"></i> <img src="{{{thumbnail.large.url}}}" class="pre-loaded" onload="this.className+=' loaded';" /> <noscript> <img src="{{{thumbnail.large.url}}}"> </noscript> </a> {{/thumbnail.large.url}} {{/tagged.nuvu projects}} {{/allEntries}} </div> {{> footer}}
Show text file for post?
I've seen with other blogging engines that you can append ".md" or ".txt." to the end of a URL to see the raw text for that given post. Is that possible with Blot posts? Example: and
Dates in post title result in a parsed publish date
Is it intentional that when a date is included in a title (without any other date metadata) that the post adopts that as the publish date? I noticed that when I put today's date in my h1 heading such as # Author Test Post 2022-10-11 it shows as published at 12:00am of that date. As opposed to # Another Test Post getting published at the correct date and time when it was synced to the dropbox folder. You can see an example here from my RSS client. If that is the intended behavior, is there a way to change it? I put dates in my titles sometimes, but would prefer for them to publish normally and not have to worry about them getting out of order on my site.
Is it possible to add a footnote on the Blog template?
I am using the [^Footnote] markdown notation, but it becomes literal text rather than a footnote.
Emoji in title causes incorrect capitalization?
Here's a weird one. I use the link (🔗) emoji in the title of my linked blog posts. But that has caused the first letter in the title of this post to be lowercase instead of uppercase. (It also has the permalink problem noted here.)
Mobile view not retaining font weight for blog title
I've set font weight: 600 (and a few other style changes) for the blog's title in header.html, and it looks great on desktop. But when I view on mobile (iOS Safari), the font weight is missing. The title doesn't look as bold as I like. Please let me know how to fix this.. thank you.
Image Embed
I am trying to embed an image and I have tried linking to the image in the folder on google drive which I have named "_sociallinks" but cannot work out the correct path to link to the image. I just get a question mark icon on the page. Any idea what path I should use?
Google Drive link broken?
Getting an error when I try to switch from Dropbox to Google Drive. ":( Error"
How to embed images using Markdown?
I have an image saved as _image_name.png in the same folder as the post. I am using the following syntax but my blog doesn't render an image:  How can I fix this? Also, I noticed that there aren't any names for whoever responds to posts. You may want to put one just for yourself.
What is the best way to host video?
Image files render directly in blot, but not so videos (eg. mp4). It the ideal solution to host videos on a 3rd party site and then embed them?
Make navigation visible on mobile?
I've just switched to the Blog theme and like it quite a bit. Just one problem: The navigation bar isn't completely visible on mobile & my title (which, to be fair, is too long) partially hides the content. See here. Is there any quick CSS tweak to achieve something similar to how my old theme worked, putting the title on top & the navigation links in several rows below as needed? See here to see what I mean.
Adding bigfoot.js to custom template
I am using a custom template and would like to add the bigfoot.js plug in. I saw that the magazine template includes it but cannot figure out how to install it from scratch.
Creating a website with a static landing page
I'm in the process of redesigning my website. The idea is to create a static portfolio as a landing page, which has a link to take the user to the blog. When I try to change the entries.html URL in the package.json file to point to another URL (E.G: /articles) the page does not load any entries. I tried to use the ?debug=true option and discovered that entries don't get added in the returned json object. I could use the all_entries tag, but then I will lose the pagination. Another thing I tried is to create a new view and calling entries from there, but that didn't work either. Any thoughts?
Making wide images
Just curious as to how you insert an image (stand alone or in a. blog post) that renders as a wide image as in the example in the video? Can this be done in markdown or html so the image extends beyond the edge of the text column ? Thanks in advance!
Custom Domain Help
I'm having some trouble linking my site with my custom domain. Usually works, but if I omit the www. it goes to 'Server Not Found'. Do you know what may cause that issue and how to fix it? Thank you!
Why isn't my site on Google?
I've just created my blog with Blot and when I search for my name, my URL or some content on my site, Google simply doesn't find anything. Can you help me in anyway?
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