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The Bigfoot footnotes in Magazine template are great. littlefoot might be easier to inject into my template but I need guidance. I can't try my tests because Blot is no longer synching since I switched to Google Drive. kitz

2 years ago, 5 replies   Edit question

I can't help with the sync issue, but I got bigfoot working on the blog template, with David's help, and can certainly point you in the right direction if you get stuck somewhere.


Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Thanks Robert. I don't see a change in the footnote presentation when I preview the blog template. When previewing the magazine template bigfoot works as expected.

Which files should I be looking for/at in the source code?

Where should I turn to get Google Drive synching?

Thanks! John

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

I would email help to get some assistance on the Google Drive sync issue.

Hey John, for bigfoot, you can go to the project's page and download the files. I used the default css and bigfoot.js files. I created the files (default.css and js-bigfoot.js) in my theme directory, and copied the contents from the package download. David went into the script.js file and added this line: {{> js-bigfoot}} It comes after the {{{appJS}}} line.

I believe that was it. Hope that helps.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

We're coordinating over email on the Google Drive issue – Robert's guidance on adding bigfoot to a template is spot on!

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Thanks Robert! I followed the (very clear, thank you) guidance, but it is not taking hold. I did get littlefoot working from CDN but could not change the format to number.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer