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Intro paragraph only on first page

I have not configured a static landing page and would prefer not to do so, but I've put a short intro paragraph greeting visitors to my site above my list of entries. Is it possible to have that paragraph only appear on the first page, not on the subsequent pages containing older entries?

I know I could set up a static landing page alternatively, but then there's limitations to showing the list of entries on the same page right?

2 years ago, 5 replies   Edit question

I don’t believe it is possible - any information on index.html will be used further back along the pagination.

In theory you may be able to use the moustache clauses to use a static page, but then you’re either compelled to list every entry ever (can’t remember if this can be configured) or a messy way of connecting to the rest of your archive without duplicating information.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

OK — thanks for the reply!

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

This is possible, I believe, you could do something like this to show a paragraph on the first page only:

<p>Your intro here...</p>
Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Interesting, I'll have to mess around with that a bit. Thanks!

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Just updating to say that this works perfectly, thank you!

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer