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questions tagged ‘Tinylytics’

Tinylytics and Kudos

Any one using tinylytics.app with the Kudos option enabled? I am sure in my index or entries file its in the wrong place (Magazine) but tried it in several locations. To show one kudos button on the page create an element on the page with a class of .tinylytics_kudos. That allows the script to locate it and show a relevant kudos button and count. Here is a good example of what it should like: <button class="tinylytics_kudos"></button> To show multiple kudos buttons on the same page, for example on an index page full of posts, use similar markup as above, with a few tweaks. <button class="tinylytics_kudos" data-path="/the-path/to/your-post" ></button> Note the extra data-path="" attribute. If you set this, it will make sure to only grab the correct Kudos count for the path you entered here. If you leave this out, it'll use the current page path: just like the single kudos button above. Note that paths need to be correct and prepended with a forward slash (if none is set): "/". If you leave it out, then kudos might not be recorded correctly.