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Bridgy Fed Support on Blot

Hi all. I would like to implement fed support on my blog. I have had webfinger working before but the instructions here are a bit different and I am unsure how to do this. This lets my blog be its own fediverse end point rather than tie it to some mastodon instance which I have left for a variety of reasons. Here's the support link from I am unsure how to accomplish this on blot or if its possible even:

Thanks for any help! BTW, I am still active on Pixelfed. Just not on mastodon. This is not a requirement for me. Just a fun to have optional thing to learn.

a year ago, 5 replies   configure   redirects   bridgy-fed   Improve this question

This is possible, you'll want to create two new redirect rules under the services page of your blog's dashboard. Importantly, please ensure that there's nothing else in your folder or template that will interfere with the redirect rules – redirects only apply to otherwise broken links, i.e. they are checked at the bottom of the request stack, after files in your folder and views on your template.

First redirect rule




Second redirect rule




Does that help? Please let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

Hi. just one question regarding having anything in the template I am using that could interfere. Currently I have webmentions working and I also use commento commenting. I took out webfinger by deleting the webfinger file on my Dropbox and the .well-known directory as well. I don't think either of these services will interfere with the redirects but just wanted to check to be sure.

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

You can check yourself by navigating to /.well-known/webfinger on your site, if you are redirected to everything is connected properly!

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

Thanks for the update on checking. I added in the redirect rules and it seems to be working. Of course, I have no followers yet so I will go follow myself on pixelfed or something and see what happens. I did notice after adding the redirect rules and then checking on my website on that now I get shown a different screen which relates to followers, etc.

Pretty cool stuff! Thanks for the help.

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer

Great, please don't hesitate to ask if anything else comes up

Answered a year ago · Improve this answer