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Change to the template system — blog reverted to old theme?

there seems to have taken place some change to the templating system? I've always edited my template in the web interface, but that isn't possible anymore apparently. Which is fine, but with this change, my blog reverted to an old version of my theme, before I'd made some crucial changes that, frankly, will be hard for me to reproduce. Is there any way for me to get the latest version of my theme back?

9 months ago, 5 replies   bug   resolved   Edit question

I believe we discussed this over email but for anyone else affected:

Sorry about this, I'll restore the old version of your template from a backup. I am working on the template engine at the moment and am cleaning up the way locally edited templates work.

The issue affects templates who were at one point locally edited, but were switched back to the web template editor, without removing the local files in your blog folder.

I thought I had guardrails in place to prevent the clobbering of templates with old local template files but this seems to not be the case. I will restore the template and make sure that any other templates affected by this bug across Blot are also restored

Answered 9 months ago · Edit answer

Ah - thanks for the answer. I was just writing an email as I noticed that I seemed to have reverted to an older template version and I was a little perplexed. But, then, thought I had better check here first - appreciate the update. Looks like I have been affected as well. I won't email for the moment as you seem to be on case but let us know if we need to tell you.

Answered 9 months ago · Edit answer

Hello! Just to register that this has happened to me too. As above, I’ll hold off on emailing unless that would be helpful for you! Thanks.

Answered 9 months ago · Edit answer

Will have a fix rolled out today – sorry about all this!

Answered 9 months ago · Edit answer

This should now be resolved – you should see the restored templates on your dashboard. If there are any issues please contact us with a link to your site

Sorry about this, what a nightmare!

Answered 9 months ago · Edit answer