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Different styles for different pages?

I was wondering if it would be possible to use the 'Blog' template for most of my website, whilst also having some pages on my website using the 'Portfolio' template. Is this possible? How can it be done if so?

2 years ago, 6 replies   developers   Edit question

This is possible but will require you edit your template – you'll need to copy across the CSS and template code required from the portfolio template into the blog template, then you'll need to work out when you want the portfolio grid to display – perhaps for all posts with a given tag?

More abstractly, if you're willing to share a little more about what you're trying to achieve as a result, I can factor it into the template design process for future templates

p.s. I moved your second question into its own thread.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Thank you for your help on this!

I've had a tinker but I'm a little confused as to what part of the Portfolio CSS code I'm supposed to copy, and where I should paste it in the CSS Blog code -- do I just copy the whole thing and paste it at the bottom of the Blog CSS?

I was thinking of either having it as a page with tagged photo posts, or just as a page on its own that I could upload photos onto without them being seen on the home page -- is that possible? And, related to that, I'd like to upload blog posts onto separate pages as well without them appearing on the homepage, and not being posted as tags either?

Sorry, lots of questions...

As for what I'd like to achieve, I think I'd like just a simple homepage with some sample work. Then a different page with all my blog posts, a separate one with photos I've taken, perhaps another page with some music stuff on it -- not sure what yet, and another for a newsletter. Essentially I just want to use different themes on different pages for different kinds of work. I'm kinda just working it out as I go along.

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

You're going to need to dig through the Portfolio CSS yourself, to determine which styles you need for the specific features you want to copy across. I'm happy to answer any questions about the process and point you into the right direction but you will need to do the work yourself – I hope you can understand

I've received requests to make it easier to add a grid page for photo posts before, so I'll definitely work out a way to make this easier (point-and-click on the template editor). Perhaps I could add custom page views for specific tags, that you could configure on the template editor? e.g. for the /tagged page of posts with the tag 'photo', use a grid rather than the conventional feed?

Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about this or anything else

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Count me +1, I want to post multiple galleries of my photography in the same domain with my blog. Don't mind digging into the code, but Blot's template language is completely unfamiliar to me now, and I can't figure "what triggers what". I already checked "How Blot Works" page, and was about to dive into "mustache" next, when I noticed that thread. Maybe you are going to point me in the opposite direction..

I assume you suggest we could use "nested [folder]/[tags]", but I wonder if when such a "[photo-tag-folder]" will trigger a portfolio template to grab portfolio css, would the blog template ignore the "photo tagged" folders or will it then create duplicates as the blog entries?

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

Ok, I spent more time on this one, studying the reference. It looks like that the best we can do with the current version of template engine is what other user suggested six month ago. I could easily replicate his results by borrowing styles and code from Portfolio\fitted-grid.html, and while I can get myself a nice-looking album page, I'm limited to either recent_entries or all_entries arrays. I can not specify a tag or a path, only separate posts with images from the posts without. This may already work for someone..

I guess there is a way to use a script and ask "each entry" if it has a specific tag then pass it over to the "album grid", but I wouldn't be able to write such a script myself. I noticed another thread "Multi-file posts syntax?", that may very well be a good enough solution for those of us in need for photo albums

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer

You can filter your list of {{#all_entries}} by a specific tag, like so:


Does that help? But yes, the multi-file posts could definitely be handy

Answered 2 years ago · Edit answer