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Bug with new PayPal subscriptions

The error reads:

"Stripe: I require argument "customerId", but I got: undefined"

I also raised this via support email but not sure which one is checked more often?

8 days ago, 10 replies   bug   in-progress   Edit question

This is so frustrating to me today, has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

Same problem here and I'm also on a deadline. Would be great if we could get a response on this.

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

I just deleted my account tbh

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

I am a new user and also encountered this. I signed up with Paypal.

(I had a hunch that if I had signed up with a credit card it might have worked since Paypal doesn't use Stripe. But didn't test my theory.)

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

I just deleted my account and signed up again using a credit card. Sure enough, no more error message.

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

Sorry about this, I introduced a bug with new PayPal accounts before leaving for vacation. I will fix this on Monday and issue refunds to people affected

Answered 2 months ago · Edit answer

Looks like this is still an issue, just happened to me

Answered a month ago · Edit answer

I also have this issue

Answered 25 days ago · Edit answer

I just signed up with paypal and also have this issue

Answered 20 days ago · Edit answer

I am having this issue as well.

Answered 8 days ago · Edit answer