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Dropbox sync doesn't seem to be up to date?

I've been updating my blog - mostly just photos, and noticed that changes I've been making to my dropbox haven't been properly reflected.

I've done the reset Dropbox options, all of them from resync to clearing cache, but doesn't appear to be working.

a year ago, 19 replies   bug   resolved   Edit question

Glad this isn't just an issue I have! Encountering the same stuff. Everything syncs up until the live site– when previewing templates all of the changes are populated.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I’m facing the same problem with Git. At first, I thought the post wasn’t pushed correctly. So I downloaded the post which just uploaded and found out that it was the newest version. But what I saw at the front end was still the older one.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

There's a caching bug! Sorry about this, working on a fix

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

The bug should now be resolved, please let me know if anything else comes up

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm having this problem, too. Thought it was just me.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Just to add that Dropbox sync has stopped for me as well, 10/10/23 (the date stamps on this question thread are confusing).

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Experiencing sync issues with Google Drive as well today, 10/10/23. Site does not appear to be updating.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Also having this issue with Google Drive sync today

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm using Git and my new posts aren't showing up, either.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm having all manner of issues today. I added a new post today and it posted right away, but the images didn't show up.

In an effort to figure that out, I published a test post. That test post doesn't show up on the blog at all. (Though I can see it in my Blot acocunt.)

I'm using Git.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm having all manner of issues today. I added a new post today and it posted right away, but the images didn't show up.

In an effort to figure that out, I published a test post. That test post doesn't show up on the blog at all. (Though I can see it in my Blot acocunt.)

I'm using Git.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Also having problems with fields from Dropbox. Edits not reflected in published posts. It was fine this morning (a.m. Japan Time GMT+9) and seems to have stopped working at apx 1500JST 14 Oct.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm having issues now as well, using Dropbox. This always worked well in the past, but it has been several months since I last published.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

So my blog finally updated today. And new changes I make are once again showing up instantly, as before.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I'm having this problem too using git, but also having problems here.

The timestamp on this question says 3 days ago, but most of the answers have a time stamp of a week ago or a month ago?

Not even sure if this is going to post.

Feeling quite frustrated.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Sorry about this – the issue is not with the connection between Blot and Dropbox, the issue is a caching bug with Blot's reverse proxy. Stale items are staying in the cache longer than they should. I'm working on a fix, sorry again

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Just a note that I'm also running into this issue. I'm using one of my blogs on Blot to just host a static HTML site.

On Blot, I see this message: Synced a day ago from Dropbox

But I've made changes and Dropbox is showing those changes have been synced.

Glad to hear you're working on a fix! Thanks.

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

Please can you email us a link to your blog? The caching bug should be resolved

Answered a year ago · Edit answer

I originally started this thread a few months ago and the issue resolved for me the first fix, but I've noticed that it's happening again for my blog.

A blog post thumbnail I don't want is being rendered and doesn't seem to go away even though I deleted the post itself. Also thumbnail is a image that was embedded via markdown markup, not hosted on my dropbox.

FALSE ALARM - had a duplicate of the blog post somewhere else and the thumbnail was being created from there. NO ISSUE

Answered a year ago · Edit answer