Showing all comments on the homepage?
I'd like my comments/box to appear under every post on the main page.
My entry.html now looks like this:
<div class="clear"></div>
<section id="#Comments">
{{> pluginHTML}}
<div class="clear"></div>
The comments appear on each entry if I visit it from the archive but not on the homepage.
I'm assuming you mean the entries page where multiple blog posts are displayed?
I ran into a similar issue and realized including comments on every post on the main page will cause some issues with javascript being loaded mulitple times, etc. You could do what I did on my blog by adding a "Reply" button at the bottom of each post that leads to the post page with comment box?
Answered a day ago · Edit answerHi Ray
Yes that's right.
Thanks for the work-around. Could you share the snippet of your entries.html that makes that work?
I note it even scrolls to the bottom of the post. Nice!
Answered a few seconds ago · Edit answer